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Mentor Creating Fun by MultiCultural Foundation
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MultiCultural Foundation will implement a project called MCF by MCF, for a period of 7 months, between 08.01.2015 - 03.01.2016, financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Program. Creative Mentor Project by MCF will bring together a group of 30 young people aged between 18 and 30 years, coming from Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and France. Youth mobility will be held on 22-29.09.2015 in Arad, Romania. Partners in the project are: MultiLingual Foundation, CEIPES - Centro Internazionale per lo to Promozione e Sviluppo educazione dell, AYUNTAMIENTO DE MURCIA, Associação Juvenil of Peniche, Stowarzyszenie EDUQ, EUROCIRCLE. The main topics of our project are: creativity and culture; Youth (participation, youth work, youth policy). Guide, motivate, inspire, are the words that best define to us what it means mentoring. Over time, the word mentor has become increasingly prevalent in different contexts can be captured either in literature, history and everyday life. It became synonymous with a friend, a teacher, a wise person, trusted advisor, tutor, model, confidant. Many who became mentors have not realized the transformation saying so because it was a natural role came in different situations. Our project aims to give the curtain aside, to clarify the role of mentor in different contexts and provide a quality standard for future mentors. The idea was born in January-February 2015 in our Foundation members meetings. During these meetings we realized the need for understanding the role of a mentor both within a Foundation / NGO, and in the community. After identifying this need, we discussed it also with other NGOs / Foundations both nationally and internationally and found a similar need, therefore we decided to ACT and to change things. We want this project participants and partner organizations to provide new insights, understanding the role and responsibilities of the mentor, and to offer those who want to become mentors support scripting of what it means to work mentoring. We set three objectives for our project Mentor Creative Fun by MCF: 1. A better understanding of ideology mentor in NGO / Foundation and in the community every day, through the activity of non-formal education during 8 days of youth mobility of 30 young people from Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and France. 2. Acquiring skills necessary to be a mentor to 30 young people from Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and France, along the 8 days in order to bring their contribution both within organizations / foundations from which and within communities for reference. 3. Develop a standard Mentor: Guide and procedures during 8 days involving 30 young people from Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and France. Our project will have two main activities, namely: 1. Advance Planning Visit 2. Youth Exchange The Advance Plan Visit will take place from 27/08/2015 until 08/28/2015 in Arad, Romania. In this activity will attend six group leaders, one from each national group. These will discuss in detail about the youth mobility, roles and responsibilities in the project, implementation modalities of sessions, evaluation and dissemination of the project. Youth Mobility will take place between 22-29.09.2015, Arad, Romania. In this activity will take part 30 young people from Romania, Spain, Portugal, Poland, France and Italy. They will learn and acquire experience, skills and competences with regard to what it means to be a mentor, you need to do as a mentor, you make a mentor activities, roles and responsibilities, who needs a mentor, etc. All project activities will MCF MCF by the working methods of non-formal methods such as energeizers, knowledge games, role playing games, team building, simulations, assessment activities, facilitated discussions. The project results will be: - Developing a Standard Mentor: Guidelines and Methodologies - Acquire and practice key skills by the 30 young participants in the project. The impact will be substantial on both the direct participants, our partners, and to the NGOs and foundations by achieving project objectives, project activities and dissemination Standard achieved.

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