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MenTalk: Alternative language learning techniques for male learners active in the tourism sector
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the MenTalk project is to develop and offer a language learning curriculum, training material, didactic guidelines and platform directed to men in rural areas who are active in - or want to offer - alternative tourism services. The rationale behind the project is on one hand the need for promoting language learning within the EU, as a means for professional development and enhancement of employability skills, while on the other creating the conditions for job creation, growth and economic sustainability in rural areas. The project is based upon a previously successfully implemented project, Love Language, which aimed at involving men in language learning, considering their low participation and high drop-out rates. The approach to achieve this was based on men's interest as trigger for the used language learning material. The partners of the MenTalk project will apply the same learning approach but take the Love Language one step further by transferring the successful experience into vocational education and training with special focus on the application in alternative tourism in Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Norway and Austria. It is therefore believed that the needs this project will address go well beyond a series of project outputs which target a specific group of people or enhance a specific set of skills. It is the first step towards the development of outputs that tackle important EU issues on a multi-level way. The expected outcomes from the project implementation include, among others: - Enhancement of soft skills of the male population in rural areas; - The promotion of the importance of language learning to increase competitiveness; - The improvement of the quality of alternative tourism services; - The potential for more extrovert micro, small and medium enterprises active in alternative tourism; - The potential for development and economic sustainability in particularly the rural areas of the participating countries. The MenTalk set of outputs includes: - A situation analysis, which will identify the areas of interest of the final beneficiaries (men in rural areas active in alternative tourism) 'What motivates young male learners?'; - A curriculum for language learning targeted to the profile of the final beneficiaries with Training material based on the curriculum; - Didactic guidelines for language teachers and - The MenTalk platform offering OERs. In parallel, the partners will carry out a set of dissemination activities, which will aim at informing the target group, final beneficiaries and project stakeholders about the outputs developed. They will also put much emphasis on the project sustainability after the funding period, but more importantly on the transferability potential to other countries and sectors. The already established networks of the partners will be addressed since the beginning of the project, to make sure that awareness is raised and sustainability is achieved. The partners are convinced that the MenTalk project will make a difference in the way language learning is provided, especially since they aim at involving both target group and final beneficiary members as early as the first output of the project. They are well aware of the necessity of feedback collected, being one of the advantages of the MenTalk Methodology.
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5 Partners Participants