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Mejora de la educación integral de los bachilleratos multilingúes
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Botikazar Institute is a secondary school located in Bilbao (Basque Country). The center has a total of 500 high school students and 54 teachers. Botikazar is a multilingual center in which school subjects are taught in three different languages (English, Spanish and Basque). The school European Development Plan defines the next objectives: improve the quality of multilingual model and teaching of foreign languages in general; improve the quality and internationalization of the institute Botikazar; progress in implementing education transverse programs (equity, respect for the environment, multiculturalism, innovation …) and promote organizational and management changes that improve the quality of teaching and school management. Based on these needs is estimated that the main areas of improvement are: learn about new tools or methods of teaching high school courses in foreign language, work on the internationalization of Botikazar Institute through the creation and consolidation of networks of collaboration with foreign schools; make changes in the organization and management in the center to produce an improvement in the quality of teaching and performance of material and personal resources, gain knowledge on how to advance the implementation of transversal projects (Agenda21, coeducation, innovation…). To achieve all these goals a total of two structured courses and seven training periods have been planned. Structured courses are related to learning responsibilities concerning the management of centers (Finland) and educational use of new technologies (Malta). Observation periods are based on the observation of good teaching practices in English in the following areas: History (RSG Broklede , Breukelend The Netherlands); Philosophy y Psychology (IIS Rolando da Piazzola, Italy), Science BG/BRG/BORG (Schärding, Austria), technical Drawing-Design and School Management (Høyanger Vidaregåande Skule, Hoyanger Norway), Sustainable Development (Frederiksborg Gymnasium , Denmark); Cooeducation (Elisabeth-Langgässer-Gymnasium, Germany). In short, nine mobilities are contemplated. All participants will be high school teachers and have been selected based on a profile previously established according to the activity and through a clear, transparent and open selection process. The project will be based on the competencies and skills that participants acquire during their stays. All that knowledge will be presented, analyzed and discussed in order to design a work plan. This work plan will include good practices (academic, methodological and management practices) for launch in Botikazar BHI. The final results will be shared with the entire school community, educational leaders, with multilingual centers and anyone who owns an interest in improving the quality or multilingual education in general. Various outreach activities will be held, one etwinning open space will be created and center website be used. All project activities will have a plan for continuous evaluation and monitoring. The institute Botikazar believes that this project will produce short-term benefits for all participants, as well as medium and long term for our school. The school management takes the commitment to integrate its future strategic development in those skills and experiences that were considered of interest for the center. The project will improve the quality of multilingual education and organization and management of the school. This will improve the quality of education; teachers will be more and better prepared and consequently the students will finish their studies with better results.

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