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Mehr Europa in der Schule: Verbesserung der Kompetenzen bei der Planung und Durchführung europäischer Projekte, Implementation von Projektergebnissen in Unterricht und Schulleben, fremdsprachliche Qualifizierung
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe goes School: Improving competences for planning and realising European projects and implementing their results at school The two-year project has led to improved abilities of a substantial number of colleagues at our school in planning, realising and evaluating international projects. By qualifying a greater number of teachers more and different kinds of subjects have become involved in international projects. In a first step we sent five teachers to a three-day training seminar in the Netherlands in January 2015 that focused on the development and improvement of their qualifications related to project work by exchanging experiences and ideas with colleagues from different schools and countries. In December 2015 a group of five colleagues took part in a two-day seminar on how to implement results of international projects into lessons, curricula and other activities at our school. Both trainings have improved the quality of our lessons and individual methods of teaching. We have also achieved a greater sustainability and motivation among teachers and students alike when it comes to European competences and awareness. One full-time progarmme at our school is about to introduce an extra class dealing with European aspects and they are also currently setting up an international student exchange. In some of our part-time projects the mobilities have led to a better understanding of the European idea, European education and job opportunities in Europe. We managed to attract a bigger number of teachers to participating in European projects by giving them the chance to improve their English skills. Three of our staff attended English courses and have already taken an active part in supporting project work.

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