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Mediterranean Experience of Eco-Tourism (MEET)
Start date: Jan 16, 2013, End date: Dec 15, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project in briefAccording to the World Tourism Organization, eco-tourism is a major trend with a growing demand of consumers for packages which offer responsible travel to natural areas, conservation of the environment and improvement of the well-being of local people. The Mediterranean area is the one of the most interesting regions in the world in terms of eco-tourism potential. The high diversity of landscapes and ecosystems together with the unique socio-economic and cultural mosaic provide suitable conditions for the development of ecotourism. In order to foster the diversification of tourism offer and a better seasonal distribution of tourism flows, MEET aims to develop an integrated strategy boosting eco-tourism at Mediterranean level. Specific objectiveTo develop an integrated strategy in order to settle an eco-tourism development model for the Mediterranean area that boosts a better seasonal distribution of tourism flows, starting from the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism approach, through the establishment of a network amongst supply-side stakeholders (Natural Parks). Expected Results: • "Mediterranean Eco-Tourism Planning Scheme" (MEPS), agreement for cooperating in eco-tourism development, signed by the main Natural Parks-related policy making institutions and spread towards at least 90 Natural Parks • Catalogue of 20 eco-tourism packages for low-season designed following the results of the corresponding 20 pilot actions • Eco-tourism planning concept developed especially for partner countries • MEPS Network, with a Secretariat in Malaga, established to settle and capitalize the project results • 6 tourism-related SMEs clusters developed in order to promote and market eco-tourism packages at world scale

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  • 90.1%   4 499 969,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants