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Start date: Jan 5, 2016, End date: Jul 4, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MediArte is a EVS project that will send two Portuguese volunteers for a 7 months service in Serres, Greece, offering them an opportunity to express their creativity and develop their skills for their future life and employment. Through media and culture, the project will promote European values, as tolerance, multiculturalism, democracy and respect for human rights, supporting also fresh ideas, cultural diversity and fighting prejudices. The volunteers will acquire personal and professional skills, becoming more active citizens in their own community and in the European society and preparing them for labour market.MediArte recognizes the needs of the local community and offers opportunities to young people to express their creativity, and develop their skills for their future life and employment by promoting via media the “ International days messages”. Volunteers acquire new and improve their existing skills and knowledge through non formal learning methods, being supported by experts who help them to carrying out their tasks. This way they will build their personal future capital in order to face more easily the “youth-unemployment” challenges, which have increased the last five years in Europe because of the financial crisis. The main theme of the activity is media and communication along with culture. It is related to using the media to communicate and express cultural issues. The volunteers' tasks will be the following: 1) Radio Station: control sound system, create and record a personal radio spot to promote and advertise their broadcast2) International web- campaign promoting social and EU values. PRAXIS volunteers are expected to promote the events of PRAXIS by taking pictures, conducting interviews and documentation 3) Youth information center: a) Elaboration of questionnaires or survey campaigns b) Creation of information material c) Dissemination of the information on internet and the local media d) Answering the questions of the young people, collecting and recording young people’s expectations and proposals for activities 4) Cooperation with schools: with the idea of creating links between schools and the organisation5) Youth cultural activities: Thematic month, presenting their country through history, culture and society6) Multimedia activities: Web blogs: articles, reports and interviews, bringing new themes and opinions. Creation of a website by gathering all good practices on youth participation and information in Europe in cooperation with the other NGOs of the region.7) Support in students projects and local NGOs initiatives:- through the realization of activities, - by helping with the promotion of information and all the actions via social media and radio - by helping in developing solidarity and cooperation between youth organizations 8) Outdoor activities: in cooperation with surrounding municipalities, combining these events with information campaign anti-drugs/alcohol, anti-stress, safe sex, tolerance.MediArte project lays emphasis on the role of non-formal education in the context of social reconstructionism. Training opportunities cannot be neutral processes, therefore, a joint process of exploring issues of common interest and constructing knowledge in the light of the above mentioned framework is provided.It follows that the individual’s stances, attitudes, understanding and mental power are highly valued and directed towards further growth and development by learning in practice/experiential learning, creative self-expression and practically-oriented activities towards the needs of a rapidly changing society.
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