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Mechanical innovation for a European Valley
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Carlo Beretta" is located in Gardone Val Trompia, in the province of Brescia (Lombardia) and includes three school divisions: the Lyceum, the State Technical Institute (ITIS) and the State VET Institute for Industry and Handicrafts (IPSIA).The two educational paths directly involved in the experience of international mobility with Erasmus Plus are “Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy” at ITIS (attended by 144 students) and "Maintenance and Technical Support" Ipsia Zanardelli (with 176 students).Both are active in the framework of mechanics, which is the main industrial sector of Valtrompia, one of the most developed industrial districts in Europe and with intense and stable trade relations with Europe and the world.The economical crisis which started in 2008 had deep consequences also in a dynamic and innovative area such as ours, causing a sudden rise of unemployment rates, previously at a physiological level. Such situation changed the business world and the labor market, bringing a new phase which, albeit still fragile, shows new signs of development.The local production world requires us to train flexible professionals with large basic skills, able to adopt the necessary tools to learn throughout their professional career. Moreover, the economic crisis, which also affects the production structure of the valley, requires to focus firmly on quality, research and development to raise productivity and ability to compete in international markets.Unfortunately, in our region and in our Institute there are difficulties related to youth problems, to addiction and to deviance, still leading to early school leaving and failure, especially in our vocational and technical institute.It is therefore necessary for our school to invest in initiatives bringing an added value to the school experience and allowing the most disadvantaged young people to explore new opportunities in a different cultural context: the project is therefore designed for that part of the student population with a condition of fragility, with a social and cultural background in disadvantaged conditions, with a low family education and fewer opportunities for improvement through the only school experience. The aim is strengthening the language skills of the students, but also offer them opportunities for innovative and quality training opportunities in order to enhance learning motivation, sense of responsibility, social commitment and facilitating the choices of life, study and work in a European dimension.IIS Beretta intends to focus firmly on the internationalization of its teaching and learning pathways, in line with the long-term strategic vision of the Institute. It is therefore an absolute priority to design and implement mobility experiences of students, teachers and class groups, creating opportunities for regular and meaningful teachers training and for students growth.In the UK and in Sweden the participants will be hosted by mechanical companies where they can acquire skills and knowledge in working with machines and safety at the workplace, and enhance their basic and language skills.The project involves 45 young people (22 of Itis and 23 of Ipsia), lasts two years and includes 3 mobility flows abroad lasting two weeks, one in the UK (in collaboration with Twin Training International Ltd) and two in Sweden (in partnership with Kunskapsförbundet).The project is sponsored by Comunità Montana della Valtrompia and the Municipality of Gardone VT, proof of interest in promoting activities of internationalization and in combating early school leaving in the area.

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