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Me, Myself and I - Training and Youth Exchange on self awareness for youth trough non formal education
Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Mar 17, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Me, My self and I! is a project composed by a training course, an intermediate activity and an international youth exchange focused on adolescents’ awareness and recognition of stereotypes, especially about gender and created by media.The training course will be from 3rd to 10th of May 2016 in Ligonchio (RE), participants will be educators, youth workers or professionals who work with adolescents and young people. 4 participants for each organization (from Spain, Greece, Albania and Italy) will take part in the mobility, with a total of 24 participants. With the use of non formal education and the support of the Swedish trainer Sandra Ostensson specialized in this theme, we will explore the topics of gender, stereotypes and media influence and we will learn and create new methods, activities and workshops to work with adolescents on the issue. During the intermediate phase, all the participants will take care of the collaboration and the creation of "Media and Gender Toolkit", a Hand book that will collect the results of the TC and the developed activities and that the participants will be able to use in different local activities and in the following youth exchange.The international youth exchange will take place from the 23rd to the 31st of July 2016, always in Ligonchio, and it will focus on the gender issue, the stereotypes and the media influence, adapting the content and methods at the age of the participants. The participants will be: 2 participants of the training, as leaders of their national group, plus 6 teenagers between 15 and 18, coming from the same five organizations involved in the training course. Again activities will be concentrated on the development of the theme and they will be implemented with the methods of non-formal education. The leader will get wide space to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the training course and to facilitate the activities prepared previously, producing a direct effect on the participants.The goal of this kind of learning experience will be the creation of a common knowledge about gender issue and a deep understanding of how the language, the example and the insights offered by the educators are essential in building a critical awareness in teenagers. For the participants of the youth exchange fundamental objective will be questioning about their stereotypes and reflecting consciously about the stimuli offered by the mass media, through intercultural and experiential learning process peers to peers.
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