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Matrix Macromolecules in inflammation (INFLAMA)
Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

An emerging aspect of biotechnology is the role that carbohydrates play in various aspect of biology. Even if a large mass of knowledge is available of different macromolecules including proteins and nucleic acids, the same knowledge of the carbohydrates is not present at the moment. Over the last years the technical achievements in protein and nucleic acid research allowed exceptional results. This extraordinary development induced the scientific community to introduce new definitions: proteomics and genomics. In similar way, the increasing body of evidence supporting the importance of carbohydrates in multiple aspects of biology, the scientific community suggested to introduce a new term for the technologies necessary in carbohydrate studies: the glucomic. Here we are proposing to support the exchange of researchers involved in a network of 4 laboratories which started over the last years collaborations in research and teaching and in particular in the role of matrix macromolecules (hyaluronan and proteoglycans) in inflammation. This network may play an important role because the laboratories involved possess particular expertise in glucomics. In particular this “gluco-net” is composed by 4 different laboratories leaded by scientists involved in PhD programs as well as in several project grants as PI. The problem raised by this new interest in carbohydrates is the development of the specific technology necessary for the studies of these molecules. In fact the carbohydrate chemistry is remarkable complex and requires technicians with an elevated level of specialization and this is extremely uncommon in the laboratories. The aim of this proposal is therefore the preparation of very qualified gluco-biotechnologists and scientists in glucomics, able to address the studies and the analysis of carbohydrates in the academic research or in the development of new molecules of industrial interest and to support more interaction between the proponents.

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