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Match it - fostering the debate on non formal citizenship education for young people in the Czech Republic and Germany
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project contributes to fostering the educational discourse between Czech and German educators working in non-formal educational organizations of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE). It will debate and affect 4 dimensions of the European youth strategy: learning mobility, non-formal education, youth participation and social inclusion. The project focusses on the bilateral exchange of educational professionals from NGO´s active in the field of non formal Human Rights and democratic Citizenship Education (EDC/HRE) with young people in Czech Republic and Germany. Although in both countries exist support institutions for youth exchange the discussion on the European youth strategy under an EDC/HRE perspective has not yet entered the common educational debate of providers of EDC/HRE in both countries thus resulting in a lack of knowledge, exchange and approaches. This project therfore will be serving as role model for a fostered educational debate on questions of young peoples participation and their involvement in society which directly affect the above mentioned core elements from the European strategy. The project therefore can be named as experiencing Europes core questions in the german-czech nutshell. Two workshops - one in Germany one in the Czech republic - combined with interim online learning phases will be used to deeply explore core topics related to the field of youth participation, Democracy in Europe, mechanisms of access and of in- and ex-clusion in non-formal educational perspective. Specifically, the workshops will tackle the following clusters of questions: • perception of young people on what they define as participation in society in Europe: life based and explorative educational approaches that explore the terminology of young people´s participation under its pre-political dimension • How extremism influences young people´s minds and youth cultural scenes (footbal fan culture, social media, etc) • Multiculturality in society and the migration topic : mechanisms of in- and exclusion • Common history: German-Czech relations as a focal point for history and democracy learning with young people, by using history as a tool for multi-facetted intercultural education in Europe • Non formal Education for Democratic Citizenship in both countries • Anti-racism education, hate crime, hate speech, mechanisms of devaluating groups in society and the risk for democratic participation of young people The methodology follows exploration of life-based approaches of young people. By exploring the rapidly changing living environment and the issues where young peolpe define their opinions, we want to redraw conclusions for new educational approaches that take into account changes in living environment of young adolescents. Thus with the concrete aim to enrich the European professional .educational debate on democratic participation of young people, social inclusion and life opportunities for young people in Europe. We used a variety of methodical approaches for deepening the dialogue: onlinebrainstorming, future labs, site visits, group discussions, debates with resource persons from leading youth research in Germany and the Czech Republic. The broadening and mutual deepening of the educational debate will raise the profile and competences of the participants as well of their organizations. It further will result in new partnerships and exchanges that will adress questions of youth participation in both countries and increase the number of young people who will come into a debate on the above topics. Thus the project Match It will also contribute to a substantial raise of youth mobilities mostly in common seminars, workshops and furth educational settings deriving from new partnerships created by this bilateral project as a long term benefit, thus also to foster the European dialogue and debate on a pedagogy of democratic empowerment that seeks to find answers in the changing living conditions, environments and approaches young people find nowadays.
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