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Market Deployment of Eco-Innovative Lighting Products (ECOLIGHTS)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ona, a SME lighting product manufacturer based in Spain, has developed a novel lighting sustainable product which has a number of eco-features in collaboration with the Nottingham Trent University (UK) supported by UKs Stimulation Innovation for Success programme (2009-2010) and a subsequent Higher Education Innovation project, which was successfully completed in May 2011.This proposed project aims to complete the manufacturing and market deployment of the product by fulfilling the following major objectives. To produce a product with low environmental impact that will still be competitive in the market. To commercialize the products in European markets. This will start with the Swedish market, where there is a demand for quality technical eco-lighting products; after the experience gained, the strategy for market take-up across the European market will be developed. Web-based commercialization-distribution facilities will be developed as the main product distribution channel, in addition to traditional merchant agents. Certify the product with an IP certification. This will ensure that the product is safer to use and more durable, thus increasing the quality of the product, and widening the market niche, as this certification is required in certain markets, i.e. outdoor public lighting. Carry out screening/streamlined and full Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) in order to select the materials/industrial processes of less environmental impact, as well as assess the environmental impact of the product for eco-label and consumer information purposes. The product is to be certified by a European Eco-label, and to comply with regulations/directives related with environmental products: EuP, RoHS, REACH, IPP.

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