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Mapping of the current MLG-situation in different priority areas in the BSR countries
Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2013, the horizontal action leaders will engage in dialogue with the priority areas coordinators and national focal points to study and analyse the situation with regard to the responsibilities for duties under different priority areas in the respective BSR countries. Achievements: A report on Multi-level governance in the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region was published in 2013. An actors mapping perspective answers the following questions: Who are the actors involved in the work with the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region? How are the cooperation organized? What is their role? By studying the distribution of roles and capacities in both leading and implementation, the report describes and gives some pre-analysis of the multi-level governance capacity of the first macro-regional strategy in Europe.The mapping report is available under
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