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Start date: Apr 13, 2011, End date: Apr 13, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims mainly at promoting the areas natural resources towards the development of eco-tourism, improving at the same time the condition for sustainability and the protection of wildlife and habitats. The enhancement of the environmental conscience and awareness of local people and visitors is crucial for the attainment of this main goal. The attraction of visitors is promoted, through a publicity campaign focusing on the distinctive local environment and the establishment of ecotouristic facilities, crucial for the economic development of the area to a sustainable direction, using innovative approaches.The main activities and outputs of the project envisage: i) the construction of an observatory, ii) a center of temporary living and release of birds and iii) a shelter for the wild horses of Axios delta at the Municipality of Delta iv) The establishment of an electronic observatory system for the visitors at Municipalities of Chalkidona and Nestos and v) an adventure park at Gotse Delchev that will improve the ecotouristic potential of the areas, through innovative approaches. The construction of the proposed facilities and infrastructures is expected to contribute to the gradual weakening of the threats for the protected areas and the restoration of ecosystems and populations of endangered species. Expected Results: Outputs The accomplishment of the projects objectives is based upon the implementation of the proposed actions. The effective management and coordination of the project will be implemented through quarterly meetings and the contraction of external assistance for the technical and financial support.Expected Results:Among the direct results of the projects implementation is the enhancement of the environmental conscience of the local people and the visitors and the enrichment of their knowledge about the local environment, the Natura sites and RAMSAR areas, the river eco-systems and the relevant threats. The construction of the proposed facilities and infrastructures is expected to contribute to the gradual weakening of the threats for the protected areas and the restoration of ecosystems and populations of endangered species. The number of the visitors is expected to increase through the publicity campaign and the improvement of the ecotouristic potential, concerning the proposed facilities. The project thus is expected to contribute further to the promotion of a long term sustainable development of the area.

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  • 85%   1 266 166,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants