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Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters (TWReferenceNET)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at improving and reinforcing the conservation of the natural heritage in protected transitional ecosystems and at enlarging their sustainable fruition. The strategic objectives are to ameliorate conservation of the natural heritage in the protected transitional waters of the CADSES area, by deepening knowledge, producing technological innovation, reinforcing regulation and overcoming fragmentation of expertise and competencies. Also the territorial integration of environmental policy in the CADSES area should be reinforced. Efforts in conservation should be transferred to sustainable development strategies leading to the creation of new job opportunities and an improvement in the quality of life. The TWReferenceNET project creates activities in the following areas: environmental, socio-economic and networking communication. The environmental project area promotes studies and pilot actions on transitional protected areas focusing on Ramsar and Natura 2000 sites that means wetlands of international importance and areas beloning to the European network of protected sites. The socio-economic field carries out feasibility studies of sustainable economic development, promotes pilot actions for spin-offs in tourism firms, reinforces regulation and contributes to European standards integration for the environment in CADSES countries. The networking communication area is based on the creation of an e-Centre which constitutes a functional networking among protected transitional Ramsar and Natura 2000 sites by bridging knowledge, expertise and competencies of project partners, administrations, NGOs and firms. Achievements: Expected and partly achieved outcomes of the project are the creation of an e-Centre as part of the project infrastructure, promoting the networking of ecosystems to reduce the fragmentation of knowledge and to improve methods and strategies for conservation and sustainable development. External pressures on the protected transitional waters are quantified, producing GIS maps at regional, national and eco-regional level (approx. 24 maps). TWReferenceNet also develops new and innovative descriptors (six, which are listed in the activity section) for effective monitoring and conservation of TW ecological status, in particular at Ramsar and Nature 2000 sites. The project proposes new Natura 2000 sites and reinforces the legal and institutional protection for transitional aquatic ecosystems by establishing a handbook of regulations. Finally, jobs are created, for example spin-off firms in organic agriculture, environmental education and tourism.

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  • 51.4%   1 200 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

21 Partners Participants