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Magic Moments
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 12 months European Voluntary Service project is developed at Centro Social de Palmela, in Palmela's council. It has as European partners Pro Jugendstill Foundation from Hungary, Maison de l'Europe Le Mans - Sarthe from France & Bund der Dt. Kath. Jugend Mainz from Germany; local partners are Câmara Municipal de Palmela and other local cultural, youth and social organizations & networks.The 3 volunteer from will create, support and develop activities with children, youngsters and adults by using creative and dynamic non formal educational methods, artistic and sportive in Centro Social de Palmela, in the departments working with fewer opportunities groups and in the community in general.The project "Magic Moments" gives the opportunity to children, youngsters and adults to have access to certain activities workshops (movement, theatre, arts...), sports activities, birthday parties, youth events, youth information/meetings and European awareness... Will also motivate youngsters to active participation, to participate on EVS and to better understand and live European values and its potentialities, but also problems as poverty and exclusion, together with unemployment & social services located at Centro Social de Palmela. The volunteers will work together with animators, educators, helpers and youth workers, creating, planning, developing and evaluating activitiesIn the project there is space given to the ideas of the volunteers in order to create a personal project according with the interests of the volunteers, the organization and the community.Palmela (35km from Lisbon) is located in the top of a hill, with a big Castle from where we can see Sado River (Setúbal), the ocean, the mountain (Arrábida Natural Park), Lisbon... In 1991, Palmela’s council had about 44 000 inhabitants divided by 5 villages: Marateca 3600, Palmela 14100, Pinhal Novo 15400, Quinta do Anjo 6400, Poceirão 4500.The population is divided between the rural areas (Marateca and Poceirão)with trong long term unemployment and strong geographical, educational and cultural isolation, and the “towns” (Palmela, Quinta do Anjo e Pinhal Novo). Main economic sectors : small industries (automobile) responsible for the main employment, the wine and seasonal agriculture. Setúbal is an important urban centre of Portugal, with more than 100 000 habitants. It’s a problematic area, since unemployment and exclusion are high. It is the administrative head of the local and regional area. The economical activities of the city are big industries, port activities, and, since the 60’s, we assisted to the growth of the Services. Significant parts of the population are immigrants, of other Portuguese regions or foreigners, in a very heterogeneous community witch, sometimes, create an urban tense environment. The origin of the project is connected with the needs of our social center and the needs of our local partners & sending partners, urgently looking for better answers to their social, educational, participative, employment and inclusion needs.With a difficult current situation in Portugal, at social and economic level, its crucial to promote participation and to create new possibilities of inclusion, refreshing answers, teams, methods and motivate to action and change with positive thinking and creativity - Magic Moments!In general objectives of the project is to:- give an international and inclusive character to the activities of the organization- spread the European ideal and Erasmus+ opportunities;- promote the exchange of cultures, knowledge and traditions;- create a real possibility to young volunteers of non formal education in areas of their interests, contributing to their personal, social and professional development, promoting professional inclusion and entrepreneurship.- refresh and enrich the activities and projects of the hosting organization- educate for multiculturality and tolerance (team, youth, children, community)- be an example for other youngsters, concerning mobility, volunteer work and active participation.The main goal of this project is children and youth (and adults) social inclusion by ludic and pedagogical, artistic, sportive and non formal educational activities, leading to participation, promotion of diversity and inclusion, with a "magic" and positive approach The volunteer has the opportunity to meet the local reality and can envisage new forms of performance, motivating to the EVS, for example, as a way of clarifying career goals and develop skills, and disseminating programs that promote job mobility and training in Europe.Its expected that the learning objectives for the volunteer are reached totally; at least to develop a new partnership with the partners, to motivate at least 20 youngsters for EVS ; spread Erasmus + opportunities among 400 unemployed/social income users.

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