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Made in GUDI - Fashion Skills abroad
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus + mobility programme allows us to provide the participants an opportunity to improve and develop new skills, competences and qualifications, as well as meet new techniques and existing technologies in use in several international companies, enlarging this way their professional, personal and Cultural horizons. The project has as objectives:Mitigate the impact of the transition from student life to the world of work, providing contact with the same;The practical application of their theoretical knowledge, qualifying these future technical frameworks for technological changes;Acquire an attitude of systematic work, developing awareness of the productivity, the concise observation and communication of ideas and experiences by encouraging and stimulating the critical sense and creativity;Meet the organizational philosophy and functioning of companies and institutions, in which they develop their training periods;Provide an effective contact with the reality of work and the follow-up of the major projects to be developed by the host company, during the trainning period;Get to know other methodologies of teaching of foreign languages, through the discovery of the transnational dimension of training.Develop a professional multicultural profile;Increase their skills for the learning of foreign languages and develop language skills in a real environment.Provide the opportunity to know another country with different cultural habits and business;Develop in participants a European citizenship and the spirit of mobility.The application aims the 20 participants that will be selected among our current students, both from tertiary and secondary vocational courses. Mobility will take place in the school year of 2016 /2017, between September 2016 and June2017, for periods of 3 and 6 months.The distribution of participants will be in accordance with the approved application, as well as with the availability of partners, the quality relevance of internships and choice of participants.Besides the 20 students, the present application also applies for 5 mobilities for teachers and staff, who will develop a training period abroad in Fashion schools. In a short term we hope our project will increase the quality and the perspective of employment and careers of our trainnes, regarding a long term, we hope this mobility programme and the contacts we will establish with hosting and intermediary organizations will help to improve the quality and the internationalization of Gudi.
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5 Partners Participants