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MADE IN European Rural areas- LUOTU Eurooppalaisella maaseudulla
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MADE IN European Rural Areas / LUOTU eurooppalaisella maaseudulla project is based on the Finnish Union for Rural Education and Culture strategy: we support SELF-MADE LIVES (ITE lives in Finnish) through environmental civility, everyday creativity, ITE art and civic engagement. What is central in these themes is to enhance creativity, offer encouragement and promote local involvement, multiculturalism, responsibility, experiential aspects and entrepreneurship. The aim is to strengthen the European dimension in the Union for Rural Education and Culture's operations so that it could widen the scope of its operations and develop the skills of its staff. The Union's operations cover nearly all of Finland, and rural areas in particular. Improving the quality of the staff's skills will result in better plans, interesting contents and well-executed development projects, where the Union's target groups are provided with a high-quality and productive learning environment and learning process, as well as a good framework for the Union to develop its own operations and circumstances, leading to a good SELF-MADE LIFE. The two-year mobility project will be attended by six full-time members of the Union for Rural Education and Culture staff and a control group. The future of rural areas is ensured by environmental civility (local identity, relationship to nature, nature-based entrepreneurship and aesthetics of the natural environment), civic engagement, everyday creativity and ITE art. Being able to take actions within this framework gives the Union staff an opportunity to learn, gain insight and integrate measures carried out in other partner countries. The measures can subsequently be implemented in Finland in order to develop rural areas by means of education and culture.
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