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M.O.V.E : Mobilités et Ouverture Vers l'Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in Ancenis, between Angers and Nantes, on the Loire River and provides secondary education to young people aged between 15 and 19 in the fields of general, technological and vocational education. These young people come from 2 departments and more than 80 villages that are mainly rural."MOVE" will concern pupils preparing for vocational secondary education diplomas (“Baccalaureat Professionnel”). Most of them have never experienced any mobility outside the place where they live, for social, economical and cultural reasons. Teachers, educators, tutors in companies and school advisors point out how reluctant our students are when it comes to looking for placements outside the place they live or study. More than 60 % of our pupils are from underprivileged socio-economic groups. Their education choices are first and foremost linked to the geographical proximity. Our role is therefore to help our pupils to consider their education and professional future in a positive way. Our school project aims to develop their self-confidence and build up skills they will need to face a mobility after their vocational secondary education diploma. The projects of mobility in Europe have a positive impact on the motivation of our pupils in their education. These projects also add value to their educational background andThe dissemination of the previous experiences arouses interest today among young people and their families who make the deliberate choice to join our school.The project “MOVE” will set in a long-lasting way a challenging plan open to everybody. We wish to enable 30 students in their graduation year or the year before to experience a four-week work placement abroad within the two years of the project. Most of them are under 18 on the day of the departure. They are preparing for vocational baccalaureates in Industry and Services.We need to have students ready to "MOVE" and we are now planning to provide a higher number of students with ambitious and excellence within the frame of the European Classes where they are taught CLIL lessons and interculturality in their vocational classes (business, administration, customer services and industrial maintenance). Our project can rely on a network of secondary vocational schools from Italy, Spain and Finland which has lead reciprocity in VET mobilities for both students and teachers of our respective vocational schools. Our previous projects led within the framework of the “Leonardo and Erasmus+” programmes have had a positive impact on students, staff and school ; students have become more enthusiastic about professional mobility or for further education studies after their vocational secondary education diploma. We now aim to increase the number of VET mobilities to reach 20% of a group by 2020.Our ambition requires a highly qualified and trained staff : we are planning to send teachers in Finland , Spain, Italy and England for training activities so they improve their skills in foreign languages, their knowledge of teaching in vocational schools and their understanding of interculturality. Some of them are already teaching CLIL or are willing to take the certification to teach in European classes.

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