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LWETB 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background to project This project will improve the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market within the Hair and Beauty Industry . It will increase opportunities for learning through this project and strengthen cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work. Objectives The role of the LWETB will be to improve the following objectives Prepare the students by: • improved learning performance; • enhanced employability and improved career prospects; • increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; • increased self-empowerment and self-esteem; • improved foreign language competences; • enhanced intercultural awareness; • more active participation in society; • better awareness of the European project and the EU values; • increased motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education or training after the mobility period abroad. Tenerife Job Training will commit to organise and evaluate vocational trainings for tourism, hospitality and language students. Tenerife is a multicultural island receiving more than 3 million tourists per year, offering a professional net of companies working in the tourism market with more than 50 years experience. As a mature Tourism destination, Tenerife is the perfect field to have the first contact with the labour market surrounded by tourism experts. Easy flight connections around Europe keep us in contact with the main Europeans cities. Spain is leading the “Q” National Tourism Quality Programme established by the government, which ensures that any company holding this label gets the best standards on quality. This frame of work ensures the best practices for the students and future professionals. TJT provides quality services as tutoring, follow-up, accommodation, certified Spanish courses, transfers and cultural activities. Our students enjoy internship periods in hotels and tourism companies between two to six months. The quality of the selected companies is the key for the success of the student experience: only four and five star hotels have agreements with us. Departments offered: Reception, Quality, Events & Sales, Public Relations, Restaurant, Kitchen, Spa & Wellness, Animation Team, Administration, IT Computer. Participants have a role in that they must communicate and be willing to be supervised by TJT, minutes away from their hotels and they get accommodation. During the period of training, the participant will be monitored by a personal tutor selected at the company as well a TJT staff. Spanish intensive courses are based in practice lessons focuses on the student main areas of interest depending on the position during the mobility. Up to now Tenerife Job Training takes personal care of every student arriving in the island for a mobility experience, using our particular tools to guarantee the quality of the training: personal and direct contact with every student, mentor and company trainer. The group of participants involved in this programme are from our Year 2 Beauty Therapy course. These students have successfully completed our year 1 Level 5 programme where they qualified as Beauty Therapists. Year 2 programme is where they will train and qualify as Body therapists and makeup artists. As part of year 1 we carry out in house salon days in order to gain in house hands on practical work experience to increase the learners skill set and confidence skills also. We also encourage students to seek work placements outside of learning hours but since the economical downturn most salons will not accept students on work placements unless they are qualified. This project will give the students the opportunity to work as therapists in professional establishments gaining the experience in order to gain confidence and secure employment at a later date. The students have achieved full certification in CIBTAC examinations in Beauty Therapy which is an internationally recognised examination board,they have qualified in FETAC QQI level 5 in Customer Service, communication and work experience and lastly they have qualified in professional skin care brands . The students will learn a language(Linguistic) which will help them communicate better . They will also learn life skills that will help them cope with living away from home. It will develop basic and transversal skills, such as entrepreneurship. It will help to promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles as well as to foster social inclusion and the active participation of young people in society. It will also develop skills and qualifications that are easily recognised across the borders of Ireland with other European countries. it is a worthwhile project that has huge benefits for all parties concerned, the most obvious ones are knowledge, co-operation and respect between different European communities.
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