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Low Cost Zero Waste Municipality (ZERO WASTE)
Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Zero Waste aims at developing an integrated zero-waste management system with the aim to maximize resources and energy and to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, deviating the amount of materials and resources in order to re-use them and include them in recycling schemes and processes that act as drivers of economic activity and sustainable development of the regions. In this way it could be naturally integrated in the MED space Axe 2 for protection of the environment and promotion of a sustainable territorial development. The inclusion of the initiatives Pay as You Throw (PAYT) and implementation of biowaste management (home and community composting) as a significant part of the projects realisation, includes the involvement of stakeholder groups of local and national institutions. Sensitization and information campaigns will promote the application of zero waste strategies to the general public. The partners have a significant experience in waste management and gathering their know-how on a common ground will be of a great benefit for the common goal as a transferable model will be built adaptable to regions in a different state of economic development. The transnational value of the project and specifically the capitalization of best practices will help Municipalities include and apply the tangible waste management tools produced by the partners in their local policies. This will support a better quality of life of the local population. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSince the project start-up, the partnership worked on the following main axis: 1. Development of a project communication plan web site, leaflets, posters, publicity material press and media campaign organization of info days for sensitisation and information of genaral public. 2. Zero waste systems' surveys and analysis to evaluate waste management methods by Municipalities and development of a Transnational Report. 3. Inventories on best practices of waste management methods and development of a Transnational SWOT Analysis of different waste management concepts. 4. Pilot application on home composting in three countries and assessment of the environmental burden of home composting in Spain. 5. Organisation of national & international workshops on zero waste concepts. 6. Development of Regional Policies by means of the development of integrated interactive tools. 7. Overall management and monitoring of the project's physical and financial progress.Latest project activities and outputsThe main activities undertaken during the current reporting period comprised: 1. Finalisation of all publicity oriiented activities (leaflets, posters, articles, etc.). 2. Organisation and execution of the remaining infodays. 3. Organisation and execution of the 8th Transnational Meeting and the project's Final Conference in Rome. 4. Development of the External Evaluation Report. 5. Development of the 6th & 7th Internal Evaluation Reports. 6. Follow-up of the pilot application of home composting in all partners' regions and expansion of results from the household level to the municipal level. 7. Organisation of the remaining national workshops under phase 4.2. 8. Organisation of the thematic workshop on Reuse Centers and Social Enterprises. 9. Finalisation of Reports for the Municipalities under phase 5.1. 10. Finalisation of the Decision Support Tool, the Handbook and the CO2 Calculator. 11. Organisation and execution of the training seminars for Municipal Servants & Policy Makers.Next key steps for the projectSince the project reached its completion, all undertaken commitments were fulfilled and therefore, there are no pending issues relating to the project components. However the partnership is willing to continue its cooperation capitalising on ZEROWASTE outputs and experience gained during this fruitfull 3-year journey.

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  • 76.6%   1 000 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants