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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Lorca in love" is the result of several ideas raised at different times, designed for and by the European youth. The Maracena City Council has always given a special value to youth as a bet for a better future, and therefore it has also given importance to the current problems that affects the youngsters. Unfortunately, today we find a reality linked to a climate of war, migration and social discrimination, reality which we want to run away in order to fight and change. To start with this change, we will begin with our immediate environment, to extrapolate it after to the rest of society.It is in this context that the idea of creating a project related to body language and with the figure of Federico Garcia Lorca, a poet committed to the most rejected sectors of society, it has a meaning. The Roma community has been living among us for several centuries but even today, they are discriminated and excluded by the population. From the Maracena City Council and in relation to the youth program Erasmus + objective of solidarity and inclusion, we want to change this situation. We aim to put value to the Gypsy culture, get the project participants to know this culture and develop the values of solidarity and empathy, not only in our community but anywhere else, regardless of origin, sex, race or belief. Schematically, the project objectives are:1. To know the origins and culture of the Roma community2. To promote intercultural dialogue and respect for all people, regardless of race, sex, culture, opinions or beliefs.3. To know and share the taste of literary culture through the poet Federico García Lorca and his poems.4. To encourage imagination and creativity through literature5. To increase participation / young people in Europe and promote more active citizenship and solidarity.6. Create a network of young people committed to their environment, that after the project continue to participate dynamically in their respective cities, as hubs of renewed youth associations, with new concerns and aspirations to improve our community and be active agents in the development of a inclusive European culture.The main activity of this project will be a multilateral meeting with the participation of organizations from Italy, Romania, Turkey and Spain. It will take place between the 11th and the 17th October of 2016 in the town of Granada and will involve 40 young people aged between 18 and 24 years. Each organization shall elect ten participants, among whom at least one shall have roma origin, with the dual aim of getting the rest of participants to meet the gypsy culture, and to ensure the inclusion of this group of people in our and their community.During the exchange, young participants will be involved in various activities, following always a playful methodology, which will help to acquire knowledge of Lorca, his works and gypsy culture in three major locations: the center of Granada, the town of Maracena, and classroom Nature Bérchules.This project not only aims to achieve the objectives, but to achieve maximum impact on society by promoting respect for other cultures, taste and literary interest and youth associations in Europe.

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