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Long time behavior for motion in random media (MotionRandomMedia)
Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Models of random motion in random media have received significant scientific attention in the past 30 years. The interest in these models stems from two main reasons: (1) In physics, most processes of diffusion take place in environments that are not regular. Thus the standard theory of random motion does not necessarily apply to them, and a new methodology needs to be created. (2) These models, despite their simplicity, pose a challenging Mathematical difficulty, because the traditional methods used for studying random motion rely strongly on the regularity of the medium. The proposed project is aimed at achieving a number of goals: (1) quantifying the slowdown effect of the random medium, and more precisely determine what type of random traps provide the most significant slowdown of the particle. (2) Understand the scaling limit of the motion of the particle. In particular, determine when a central limit theorem holds and when it doesn't.

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