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London im Schatten der Finanzkrise
Start date: Jan 24, 2015, End date: Feb 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 1999 we are conducting the project in London in cooperation with the „“European College of business and Management” (ECBM). We have established the project for the traineeship ‘Investmentfondskaufmann’ and we have been extending it to the benefit of our trainees who will become bank clerks. Having started with 40 participating students we are actually sending 60 students to London. The title of the project ‘Banking centre London among the shades of the financial crisis’ clearly describes our aim: future bank employees should act faithfully and reliably on international financial places. During their stay in London the students should discover banking centre London with its severe problems. They should learn about British economy, banking centre London und British politics. Visiting the docklands, the Bank of England and the stock exchange for example our students will make up their mind about London. Target group of our project are ‘Investmentfondskaufleute’ and ‘Bankkaufleute’ who started their traineeship one year ago. They already passed their intermediate examination and went to vocational school on a block release. Their employers are mainly banks and investments funds companies in Frankfurt. In London students mainly spend their time in college and getting to know the city as a financial centre. The college works out a training scheme tailored to needs of our students and is responsible for conducting the subjects. The lessons are held by native speakers. Excursions are also a part of the training program. At the end of the stay the students have to pass several exams to get 3 certificates. Early planning is very important for us: in September 2014 college, flights and hotel rooms have to be reserved. Booking the flight we also contract a travel cancellation insurance which covers the students’ own contribution of 650 €. For many years now we are guests of the Lancaster Hall Hotel in London and we stick to all of our partners that we are working now for many years. It’s our aim that students improve their professional, social, intercultural and linguistic skills. The following vocational and social competences should be expanded: the participants should discover the banking centre London and they should follow the college lessons about economic, political and cultural topics held in the English language. Furthermore they have to live and work with students of other institutions in an unknown surrounding. This requires a high level of social responsibility. The participants will get to know a foreign culture, because London itself is a melting pot of cultures. Going by tube to the college, going to museums is also a part of the students’ intercultural experiences in a very open and tolerant society. In discussions with their professors they will automatically think about the different strategies that both countries have to solve their problems. Since the dominant language in the financial sector is English the students will gain professional and linguistic profit.
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