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Logistics Language Open Training
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Logistics is an interdisciplinary, transnational field of knowledge which brings together institutions and their employees from various areas of knowledge and skills. One should realize the disproportions in the content-related competence (specialist knowledge and logistics skills) and linguistic competence (using a foreign language as a tool for communication) demonstrated by logistics professionals in many countries. The purpose of this project is to enable the development of language skills of logistics employees and trainees to the greatest number of people. This goal will be achieved by deploying an innovative two-step methodology for enhancing vocational competence in logistics. The first pillar of the proposed solution will be specialist language courses dedicated to logistics (language courses). The second pillar will be specialist vocational courses in logistics aimed at expanding industry-specific knowledge and skills, and further developing the target group’s linguistic competence (specialist logistics courses in foreign languages). The idea underlying this solution is a widely-acknowledged method called Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), which consists in integrating the learning of logistics vocabulary and issues along with language structures. The target group consists of logistics professionals and trainees. According to pilot studies, two-thirds of companies appreciate the importance of fluency in using a foreign language. Over half of respondents are aware of major gaps in vocational competence exhibited by both their employees and the applicants for logistics positions. A strong knowledge of foreign languages is becoming a standard in the field of logistics and in the light of the above logistics employees or aspiring employees should be provided with the relevant background (as foreign language skills have become the threshold competence, crucial for finding employment). The strength of the project consortium lies in the selection of partners and in the competencies they demonstrate. The consortium is partnered by „standard” language schools which offer also specialist vocational courses in foreign languages and by standard vocational schools delivering industry-specific courses in logistics, also in languages other than the mother tongue of the country they are based in. Such a configuration is conducive to the synergy of language and vocational competencies. Each partner (school) has wide access to the target group within reach now and in the future. The quality of the project results is guaranteed first of all by the strong competencies of the consortium partners. Secondly, other entities (business partners cooperating with consortium partners) will be engaged in developing and implementing the project output (involved in the cooperation with the partners). It will ensure that the final products will address the actual and practical requirements of the market. With consultations taking place at each project stage the final product will be perfected in every detail and will usher in a new quality in its field (the procedure will be realized in keeping with the SCRUM methodology). A well-thought and efficient dissemination strategy will be put in place. It will consist of three major stages: initiation, product development and product dissemination. Dedicated dissemination tools will be put to use at each stage: project website, the websites of the partners, social networking services, the press, electronic newsletter, mailing and a series of organized meetings (events). One of the major project strengths is a large-scale dissemination campaign involving 300 people from 4 countries (Poland, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom). This campaign will be launched mainly in the third year of the project after finishing touches have been put to all the project outputs – specialist language courses and specialist logistics courses. The project results will provide an opportunity for enhancing logistics competencies of the people in each partner country, as social problems know no geographic boundaries, they are faced in each and every country, even though their scale might be different. Another strength of this project is that it brings subcontracting to a minimum, as is shown in the project budget. The bulk of the project tasks fall within the competencies of the project partners, which ensures the reliability and quality of produced output. Only those tasks falling outside of the scope of the competencies and skills of the partners will be delegated to external contractors (to maintain the quality of the project and its results).

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4 Partners Participants