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LOG-EF, Logistics network in Eastern Finland
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of this project is to maintain and develop the quality and effectiveness of student mobility in logistics and transportation sector in the participating Finnish vocational colleges. The national network comprises consists of 5 vocational colleges in Eastern Finland (LOG-EF network): SAKKY - Kuopio, YSAO - Iisalmi, PKKY - Joensuu, Esedu - Mikkeli and SAMI - Savonlinna. LOG-EF network has implemented international projects with good results also before, and these results will be used as a foundation for this mobility project. International partner schools in this project are from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands and Croatia. The target group of this project are the logistics students of five Finnish colleges: both youngsters and adults, including also the students in apprenticeship training. Participation to an international mobility will also be offered to freshly graduated students, according to the rules of Erasmus+ programme. During this 2-year mobility project most of the participating students will take part into two week long training modules in other European countries. Some of the students will have a possibility to carry out their practical training (4 weeks) abroad, in Denmark, Netherlands or Croatia. The participating students will gain knowledge, competences and skills of international tranportation that they could not achieve in their own home school or home country. During this project the sending schools will also endeavour to increase the number of logistics teachers involved in international activities. In the past projects of LOG-EF -network an idea of "international mentoring" was born and examined. This idea will also be used in this mobility project: a teacher with more experience on international exchange and students mobility will be a mentor for a teacher, who has less or no experience on international activities. Mentor will support the other teacher, give practical advices, share silent knowledge, introduce her/him to foreign partner schools and colleagues etc. LOG-EF mobility project will improve the employment rate of logistics and transportation sector in Eastern Finland, will support the international activities of local companies and will ensure graduates from vocational colleges with excellent skills and experience in international transportation.

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