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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project LOCAL SERVICES WITH EUROPEAN FLAVOUR is written for 15 students from Liceul Teoretic Sebis, in the 10th grade, from Tourism and Alimentation, qualification: technician in gastronomy, who will train during their practical course, for 2 weeks, within the module Harmony and Savor, at receiving institutions (economical agents) from Granada, Spain, in 2015, to continue a tradition for exceptional professional training. THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES of this projects and the reasons why our school wants to implement it are: -to support the training of young people in accordance with the evolution and the necessities of the specific European market -to encourage the participation of young people who live in rural areas and whoa study in our institution to participate in this type of vocational training mobility projects, with the purpose to widen their professional prospects -to increase the employment level of the participants, based on the experience gained during the mobility. -to develop their professional skills in the field of tourism and alimentation, with the help of practical training activities in exceptional European training environments -to recognize the professional training and the results of the participants’ study at a European level, with the help of the Mobility Europass Certificate -to improve the adaptability level of the participants at the necessities and changes on the labor market, at both national and European level -to encourage the participants to improve their linguistic skills (English) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES -to develop practical skills and abilities to serve drinks and food -to prepare espresso coffee and to clean the coffee maker -to know the specific consumption and recipes -to use and work with inventory objects (the same 15 participants) -to work with numerical data -to develop communicative and understanding skills in English The trainees will perform the practical training(Harmony and Savour) for 2 weeks at 3 restaurants: Alixares 4 stars, Corona de Granada 4 stars and Navas 3 stars, according to the requirements of the typical curricula in Romania and according to the Training Agreement that has already been signed and agreed upon both by the 3 receiving organizations and by the intermediary one. METHODOLOGY: this project was initiated as a continuation of the partnerships developed during 2 previous LdV IVT projects, with the same intermediary organization, MEP Granada and the same receiving partners, Hotel ALIXARES, NAVAS and CORONA DE GRANADA. The project was planned as an answer to the training and developing necessities in the professional field. The trainees’ activities were planned and and agreed upon with the foreign partners in accordance with the school curricula for the 10th grade. The mobility of the project will be implemented with the active involvement of all organizations and the completion of the daily tasks necessary to reach the objectives. More than that, all institutions will have a set of tasks, as follows: A) the sending organization will be in charge of : the information and selection of the participants, transport, the organization of the mobility, the negotiations of the tasks, the preparation of the participants, the evaluation, monitoring, dissemination and completion of the necessary documents. B) MEP Granada will be in charge of the accommodation and meals, local transport and finding the economic agents for the training activities and to serve as the intermediary between those involved in the project. C) The receiving institutions will offer the training, monitoring and evaluation of the participants. RESULTS A) physical: plates, boards, collage, PPT presentation with the activities performed during the mobility, articles in the school magazine, in the county newspaper, on the website and blog of the school. B) B) new abilities and skills as a result of the training activities, highlighted with the help of practical activities organized at school celebration, festive dinners. IMPACT 1. AT THE PERSONAL LEVEL OF THE PARTICIPANTS: after the mobility there will 15 better prepared and informed trainees in the professional field. They will take advantage of a unique experience to train in 3 and 4 stars restaurants in Granada, Spain. They will gain more self-confidence in their forces, will improve the flexibility of their minds and behavior, their adaptability and the way in which they manage their time and resources 2. THE PROFESSIONAL LEVEL: the improvement of the skills and professional abilities for a better adaptability and integration on the European labour market, which will be proved with the help of the Europass Mobility Certificate and Europass Language Certificate 3. AT SCHOOL LEVEL: the increase of the school attractiveness level and an increase of the submitted Erasmus+ projects 4. ON THE PARTNER INSTITUTIONS: the increase of their attractiveness by involving other schools 5. LOCAL LEVEL: the 15 participants will find work easier
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4 Partners Participants