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"Local reflections of European common cultural heritages and values"
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project in general is about local cultures of European countries. The main aim of this partnership, consisting of eight countries with very rich cultures, from all parts of Europe, north, south, east, west and central, is to assist in the cultural richness of Europe and to enhance pupils’ cultural awareness, while improving the quality and increasing the volume of partnerships between schools in different Member States. Taking this into consideration, we will be working on a variety of activities, in order to introduce our cultural values, not only to each partner school involved but to the wider European community also. While studying and reintroducing our own values/culture, we will have the opportunity to find out the differences and similarities among the different European Countries. We want to make all applicants, relevant people and pupils, conscious of these beauties and to increase the awareness of our students, colleagues, and parents by including them in our activities and by giving them a very active role to the implementation of all activities. During the three years period of cooperation in this project, all partner teachers and pupils will elaborate specific common project activities, exchange work and contact one another through e-mail communication and scheduled project meetings and exchanges. Our activities and project results are focused on the theme of our project, related with cultures of participating countries. We will create books with traditions-celebrations and traditional cooking of all partner countries, a project calendar with pictures of celebrations-traditions, CD’s of local traditional songs and music, DVD’s on our schools, teachers and pupils, DVD’s on our hometowns and on cultural presentations of hosting countries during meetings 2-3 times per project year. We will also organize yearly exhibitions in each school with products of activities and establish a project web page being updated in regular basis. The main envisaged impact on the participants will be cultural conscious and awareness. Our pupils will become more outgoing and their horizons will broaden by giving them the opportunity to be introduced to different cultures and communities. The teachers may develop a renewed enthusiasm for teaching, exchange of experiences, direct knowledge of the other institutions and about their educational systems, knowledge of the language of other countries in the group, knowledge of the different methods of teaching within the different schools in the group etc. While working on this project, our students, teachers and educational authorities will learn more about Europe and appreciate the differences and similarities of the cultural background, schooling and local diversities, exchange significant experiences and accept cultural and linguistic differences, raising a positive attitude to the united Europe. Generally, every person involved with this project will have some longer term benefits because he/she will be able to come closer and understand more of the world beyond his/her local community and will finally manage to develop a very positive attitude towards a more intensive cooperation and awareness that we all live and cooperate in the same continent without giving the opportunity of racism and xenophobia to become restraining factors in our cooperation and progress.

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7 Partners Participants