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Local Health for Global Health: Care and Share
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Health is a subject that allows to explore many different topics and areas of knowledge. In this strategic partnership we - differently focused people, living in six European countries - are going to explore several scientific issues (exploring civilization diseases, working with statistics in the partner countries and their comparing, reducing the risks of civilization diseases, researching our personal/ regional/ national habits, exploring geographical aspects, historical events and peculiarities of the partner regions, sustainable development in different regions/countries), to practice first aid, to promote healthy lifestyle and sports, but we are also going to identify the common cultural ground of the partner countries/communities by exploring each one's society, lifestyle, healthcare, sports, language features, economical aspects etc., trying to relate the uniqueness of each region with the actual eco-ethno-cultural diversity of the world. The analysis and comparison of the relationship between the local environment and health in the participating countries will be a way for students to develop their knowledge and skills by applying the principles of "learning by teaching", "life long learning" and "self esteem development". The final goal is to increase the students' responsibility for their health, their personal future as well as their participation in promoting and developing healthy lifestyle in their community. Effective cooperating among the participants from different countries will be possible with the use of a common language (English) in which they will be able to share values, exchange good practices and communicate in everyday situations. They will also reinforce their sense of belonging to the European society, strenghten their active European citizenship as much as develop their skills and increase their chance to succeed in the labor market. The project is divided into 3 phases: 1. HEALTHCARE IN THE PAST 2. CONTEMPORARY HEALTH 3. HEALTH PROMOTION In this strategic partnership we assume: • 201 direct participants actively working on the project and participating in mobilities • 61 direct participants, actively working on the project without participating in mobilities The direct participants will consist of both teachers and students of the involved schools. We assume 70 actively participating teachers (thereof 59 participating in mobilities) and 192 students (thereof 142 participating in mobilities). On the base of discussion and agreement among all partners about conditions during the project meetings, lump sums and expected travel expenses it is certain that we will be able to support more direct participants, realize more mobilities and increase number of persons participating on mobilities for the calculated grant. We are going: • to do different activities important for managing, ensuring the project and implementing the outcomes of the project • to do wide range of activities connected with realization of the project by participants • to do activities disseminating and promoting the project in public All the partners will realize the project using different effective methods to achieve the aims of the project, e.g.: • collecting data, monitoring, scientific researches and observing, making presentations, discussions, teaching/learning innovative practices, making materials with support of new technologies, etc. With this project we not only aim at confronting different experiences but we also want to explore new ways of teaching in line with European standards. We are ready to produce various spectrum of the results: • website • presentations • video • posters • exhibition • common project callendar • interactive minidictionary • work sheets • questinnonaires • eBook • brochure • collections of photos • reports etc. We believe that our project will bring longer term benefits too, specifically: • establishing and extending international relations for further future cooperation • motivating to longlife learning • replicability and transferability of the project outcomes in education • increasing employability of participants in the labor market • eliminating stereotypes

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