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LLC "live and learn and communicate"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The leader of the project, Bettina Reil, has been teaching sports, geografy and international economics and cultures since 1995 in the economic school of Steyr, which is one of the biggest schools in Upperaustria with 700 pupils and about 100 teachers. The projecttitle is: "LLC" - "live&learn&communicate": live as defined by internationalism, learn as defined by lifelong learning and learning from eath other, communicate is the condition for the two LLs. The background of the project is: In 1996 an innovative team (some names: Georg Neuhauser, Helga Wittwer, Bettina Reil.....) started with an new method which was called COOL - cooperative open learning. This concept is based on the principies of the US American pedagogical Daltonplan (Freedom, Cooperation, Budgeting time). In Austria there are about 150 schools working with this method. Since 2001 the BHAK Steyr has been the national and international COOL - Impulscenter, which coordinates and innovates the interested teachers who want to do further training. This COOL project was developed and aligned to the new school conditions and is now called "live&learn". Have a look at the website of BHAK Steyr. "live&learn" is a method, which focusses on the pupils, tries new methods especially working with asignments and with different partners. "live&learn" is a school developing project leaning on the education standards, with creative teachers trying to make projects with other teachers in other subjects. We also use blended learning and we want to teach some subjects in English (CLIL) to come up to the economic and intercultural standards. The aims of the project are: The economic expectation is to communicate in English in different subjects, which raises the chances of our pupils to find good jobs. We want to come up this expectation. Therefore it is very important to do further training for our pedagogical teaching team. We want to expand CLIL to more subjects to improve the speaking competencies of the pupils and of the teachers and we want to boost our self-confidence. The requirements for teachers who use this method are huge and we need more teachers to improve their English to be able to teach CLIL. Speaking (communicating) in English should be natural for pupils and teachers and it should improve the personal - and schooldevelopement. It should be good for the teamwork with other schools to put international projects in action. Our school has some partnerschools in the Netherlands, in Italy and in Denmark, but we should have more contacts with other teachers from different countries to get new impulses for our work. The continuing education is important to develop ourselves, to pick up experiences to see new countries and cultures to meet other collegues and to use it for our teaching lessons. We should get to know new motivating methods and we want to pass our experiences on to the other collegues in our school in pedagogical conferences. The longerterm profit for our school, the pupils and the teachers should be an noticeably improved English, more selfconfidence in languages being able to put international projects in action that help everybody and use the quality of our schooldevelopement.
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