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Livslang læring, gjennom de fem sanser VI
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background for the project Ørsta vgs has a role in our local community, to get youths to get an interest in a profession. Our school wants to give them an opportunity to become comptent in their choosen occupation in a close co- operation with the local society and the region. We want our students to become socially commited citizens on their way to adulthood.Young people tend to want to live in more urban areas. As an effort to prevent this centralization, which is taking the youths away from the less urbanized areas, we are working to make our school and area more desirable for young people. We have to continue to be a socially engaged school and offer our potential students attractive educational programmes.Because of a great increase in kindergartens and great need of health care workers, the need for qualified workers have grown. The children – and youth workers are responsible to make sure that the children will get a qualitative educational offer, in cooperation with the teacher. The need for children – and youth workers as assistants and teachers in school and in after school care is also big. The general population is getting older and there is a great demand for health care workers . We also have an increasing number of working immigrants in our area. In all our chosen educational programmes, there is an increasing demand for educated and qualified workers.Goals for the project:As a district political tool, according to free choice of school, we want our students to be ready to meet buisnesses and a society, which are going through a lot of changes. We want our students to meet the changing world with international experience and the ability to cooperate with people from all over the world; independent of what cultural and religious background they have, and regardless of which nationality they have. Through participating in the SIU Erasmus+ project, we want to motivate the students to become motivated to work hard on their chosen education programme. We Our goal is that our students will benefit from the project, both on a personal and on a professional level.We are developing expectations and systems for our collaborators and we are demanding more from each participant as an anticipated result of the cooperation. In addition to this, we are building new realtions with our Spanish relations and are making deals according to both our demands and to the European ones.Number of participants and profile:There will be approxamatly 65 students participating in the project. This will be students on an upper secondary school level of education. The participants are 18 – 26 years old and both genders are represented. The chosen students are academically strong and they have high attendance at school.Methodology and implementation of the projectThe methodology which will be used in the project is learning by doing. To achive learning through activities and explorations. We partly use the mentoring principle in buisnesses. With a close follow up and using guidance, making the relations between student and guide an important factor.Expectations to the result and effectThe result from joining this project is first and foremost for the individual. The goal is to become a better citizen, who is ready for working for integration, care and to understand the cultural forces in a multicultural employment market. The effect of the project is that the society will be ready to meet the «European Citizen» with openness and an attitude which the society as a whole is not able to. To see diversity as a resours and not as an obstacle.Longterm advantagesThis project is about understanding a bit of our part as school owner in an international perspective. Our job is to meet young people wanting a vocational education, guide them throguh the subjects and make sure they get a job in the local buisnesses. Through a close cooperation with the local buinesses, the students will be a step closer towards getting a job in their chosen vocational area, and they will also get an opportunity to become good citizens.The longterm advantages by knowing the local buinesses will show even longer than just in the workplaces. By making attention to what being an «EU – citizen» is, and keeping VET skills across the borders alive, it is very possible to create a stronger cooperation between different EU – countries. A stronger cooperation will be quality assurance for both skills and qualifications, crossing borders.
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