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Livslang læring, gjennom de fem sanser V
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Background : Vocational education have in common that they lack skilled craftsmen . The school needs increase recruitment to these subjects to meet the industry's needs. We see a certain amount of labor in the industry from various countries in east Europe. By free choice of schools, we can see that the youth increasingly seeks to central and urban areas. As efforts to counteract the general centralization has in society and the urban power to adapt youth in the early phase of education seeks , must a school district that take these signals seriously. With free choice of schools, this appeal in the long run deplete our school . We must as a society engaged district schools seek to offer the youth what they ask for. And through it make our offer attractive. With large nursery development and major needs for health care worker in recent years, now has the need for qualified personnel increase. Children and youth workers will together with educators ensure the children a qualitatively good educational program. Need youth workers as assistants schoolteachers and the SFO (after school) is also large. At the same time that it merely several elderly and an increase in labor hosting the need for skilled workers health big. Goals of the project: As a regional policy instruments in free choice of school , we wish that the youth who seek our school hosted prepared to meet an industry and a future to explore the scope , international experience and ability to cooperate with people who have different cultural , religious and national backgrounds . We want our students to have the best experiences from a stay abroad. We want to continue the relationship with in previous mobility partners and build step by step new that is in line with our and Europe's quality standards. For example, Helge Anders y Construcciones S.L. and Restaurante Robert. We have experienced these two firms that management and employees in businesses have a very special care and concern for students. In addition, they have a very broad spectrum range of professional expertise. Number of participants and profile : Pupils participating host approximately 80 They are secondary school pupils at Level 2, preferably level or in vocational training in companies. Participants is often between 18 and 26 years for both boys and girls. Participants are both motivated for the project, do have professional vocational skills and has a high degree of loyalty. Methodology for the implementation of the project Methodology that is used in the project are learning through practice, learning by doing. Skills through activities and exploration. To some extent there will be used mentoring and mentor guidance. A hands-on guidance and forward message means that the relationship - guidance and clear leadership is with in driving. Expected results and impact Score to participate in this project will primarily verdict took the individual. One is going to be a better citizen who is better equipped to promote integration, care and understanding cultural operators with , essential to understand for a mulitkulturelt labor . The effect of these projects over time is a local community / national and corroded to welcoming " europaborgaren " with other eyes and attitudes than the "big society" manages to achieve. Seeing Diversity as a assesment rather than an obstacle. Long-term benefits: This project is about understanding some of our role as a school owner in an international perspective. Our task is to invite local youth who want a professional skills training , guidance to those in the academic field of tension and tie them up quickly at a local business. Through collaboration with industry foster young citizens to take a step towards vocational practice and a start to an education as a social citizen. The long-term benefits of being able to recognize positive behavior through cooperation at the it will effect far beyond the labor market. To create a note attitude broadcasts it to be EU citizen, maintaining VET skills across national boundaries and a stronger partnership will acknowledge such projects over time as a tool both to ensure the quality of skills and qualifications beyond national borders.

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