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Living Europe - Preparing the Future
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Living Europe - Preparing the Future" will begin in the 1st June 2015 and end on 1st June 2017 and it aims to give an answer to the needs and aims of students, recent graduates and teachers who want a training with an European dimension . Thus, this project intends to conduct training courses in Finland and Spain to12 students of both sexes, between 17 and 21years old, who will attend the 12th year of the Technical Courses of Informatics and Cooking, initial training, level IV in ETPC. The flow will start on the 1st May to 30th June 2016. In addition, will be provided this mobility experience to two teachers who will travel to different countries, namely Spain and Finland, from the 1st May to the 7th May 2016. With this project we intend also to provide training in in Spain for 3 recent graduated students, whose flow will take place from January 10th to March 10th 2016. The participants of this project aim to have a training course in a transnational perspective, in a European country, where they will have a extremely enriching experience for their technical training, professional and cultural development namely by improving their language skills, in addition to a notable personal and social improvement. This mobility is based in collaborations with local authorities, in partnerships created between the host organizations of Finland, Tampere College, and Spain, with INCOMA, in order to provide this training, ensuring its preparation, implementation, evaluation, certification and further dissemination of the results obtained, in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities and good practices in training. Once it makes part of the practical component of the Vocational Courses provided by our school, a training course, integrating students into companies or local institutions, the opportunity to do this project enables innovation in its extremely enriching European dimension to the technical training and empowering of high levels of performance and creativity. Therefore, there is a personal and social enrichment of participants, in terms of citizenship and employability, thus, there is also a promotion of lifelong learning in an international context. Participants will also have an important role in disseminating good practices and opening wider perspectives by living remarkable experiences, hardly possible on other way due to the technical, cultural and linguistic limitative level given by their geographical location and poor economic and socio-cultural environment. Locally, ETPC will continue considering the needs and expectations of its students and teachers and will try to answer to the demands of institutions and enterprises. Undoubtedly, the initiatives of Mobility are important not only to students and professionals who participate on it, but also to national entities that subsequently integrate these individuals in their companies/institutions. In fact, Cantanhede stills a mainly rural region that is currently expanding into industrial and services sectors, requiring the training of mid-level technicians with certified qualifications and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, anticipating the needs of the labor market in the future. ETPC as professional school, searches visibility of its training offer, that is related with the attractiveness of the motilities in vocational training and aims to contribute to a society of knowledge more competitive, where there is a place to multicultural dialogue and transparency in education and training.
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