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Live Nature with Sustainability
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project - LIVE NATURE WITH SUSTAINABILITY - is a of mobility in Youth (Key Action 1) project which focuses on two main topics - Environment and climate change and Health and wellness, intending to address on one hand the issue of sustainable use and rational resources of nature and their protection and preservation, and secondly the adoption of healthy lifestyles and behaviors by promoting the practice of sports and outdoor activities in direct contact with nature. The project arises from the need of both partner organizations (Associação de Juventude Gente Sem Tabaco and Alfred-Delp-Haus) wish to improve certain skills in their youth, making them more able to actively participate in society and face increasingly demanding challenges. It also intends to provide more opportunities in what concerns meeting and establishing contacts with young people from other countries, sharing experiences and good practices, mainly because these are young people, aged between 14 and 18 years old, who face economic, social and geographical difficulties. During the project several activities will be done, especially the youth exchange that will take place on São Miguel island – Azores- for during seven days, from 22nd to 29th July 2015. In total twenty-four participants, twelve of Germany (ten teenagers and two young animators) and twelve of São Miguel (ten teenagers and two young animators) will develop and share a program of activities that, through informal and non-formal learning, allow them to improve their ability to accept other cultures and to include socially all individuals, regardless their problems, needs and differences. In addition, the preparation and promotion of workshops, debates, games, recreational, sports and outdoor activities will enable young people to achieve impacts in language skills, communication, motivation and knowledge about other countries and their cultures, wishing that the effects will be such positive so that participants can use and apply the knowledge acquired in future and important situations in their lives (personal, academic and labor) and feel strongly motivated to organize and participate in future projects. In addition the acquisition of healthy lifestyles, in particular through the practice of sports and outdoor activities will be another skill to acquire. The project, allowing each participant to feel as an important element of a group, where all are heard and accepted in their differences and where all understand the needs and problems of others, will be for sure a very valid and formative experience, wishing that it can remain durable over time.
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