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Listen to the unheard!
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over this youth exchange, we’re able to build safe environment to young where they can try them limits, improve them skills and learn new things. Camp will be done In the Finnish beautiful lake landscape and it’s the learning center for the youngs during the camp. This project is all toghether planned and waiting for the putting into effect. The camp is planned to be place to reach new level of our social skills and be as open minded as possible during the activity.In this project the main aim is improve our social skills, language skills and understand learning process and use benefits of it. The group diversity will help us to reach those levels. Deaf group will give us a chance to see different type of communication and help us to improve new skills.Project parners are coming to Finland from Poland and Austria. We are combining them needs and our needs in Finland together in the camp. A group of deaf people, and immigrants in Austira will be hosted in finnish nature. In this youth exchange we’re promoting to youth finnish nature, the effect of the nature and and understanding the joy of the movements by the activities as a learning process. During the camp we want to give a focus on communality living, taking responsibilities, being able to do thing as an independent, challenging ourselves, and in surprising situations using own social skills. We will lead young to use them own skills and learn more during the camp. In this youth exchange multiculturalism, internationality and learning from each other’s culture will enrich all of us. In the camp we want to discuss together about things that are socially seen in our lives as a challenge. In the camp we’re 14 youngs and camp leader. Leiri is meant to be for young aged between 16-22 years. During the camp we will be trying activities in the woods, team games, cooking in the woods, ja different exercises. Through these we can reach very different level in our communication skills. The most of the benefits will be being able to try new things, to gain the pleasure of succeeding in the safe environment. With the deaf group we will be able to learn more new things as a sign language, and without any language communicating as far as possible interactively. This all will be also fun to all of us. The diversity of the groups will help us to learn and improve problem solving skills as an individual and as a team. But most of it all improving language skills and learning with open mind from each other is very important.

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