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Lillerud Erasmus+
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lillerudsgymnasiet is an Upper secondary school with the natural resource programme specializing in animal care, farming, horses and science. Our aim is to develop and improve our education to give our students higher competence and qualifications and to meet the changing demands and requirements of the labour market. School internationalization is an important part of this work. It is about creating inter-cultural understanding generally but also about international co-operation to create sustainable development. In the curriculum for the Swedish natural resource program a global perspective of natural resources is emphasized. Also, our students constitute a rather homogenous group with few students with an immigration background. This makes internationalization even more important.All our students do 15 weeks of internship which is an essential part of their vocational training. We want to have a structured program for European internships in order to raise the appeal for and the international dimension of our education.The teachers participating in this project all have long experience of organizing internships. In order to establish good contacts with the companies involved we want some of our teachers to job shadow there to learn how the work place is and discuss the structure of the internships. In Light on the Path we have found a partner with a good organisation for work practice and job shadowing. We have an open and constructive dialogue with them about the work placements with the students' need in focus. They also have valueable experience from Erasmus+ projects. As we are a school for natural resources, we work a lot with sustainable development. Sustainable development consists of different aspects such as environment, human rights, social and economic development, democracy, equality etc. All those aspects you can achieve a better insight into in an international context. They are also important for the students' future professionally, socially and personally. In the curriculum for the natural resource program it is emphasized that the students should be given a global perspective of natural resources. Further, it is stated that the students should be given the possibility to develop innovative thinking and entrepreneurship. In conclusion, Erasmus+ Mobility meets the following needs in our organization.- A widened understanding of the world.- Improved understanding of sustainable development.- A global perspective of agribusiness.- Increased input of innovative thinking and entrepreneurship.- Improved occupational skills and increased employability.- Improved language ability.Internationalization also increases the staff's possibilities to clarify these aspects for the students. Further, we would through emphasizing internationalization increase the appeal for education within agribusiness.In spring 2015 we applied for and was granted eight mobilities (five students and three teachers) to Great Britain but we want to increase that number and now apply for 22 mobilities during 24 months. The students will practice for two-three weeks at enterprises within farming, horses and/or animals. The teachers will carry out job shadowing at similar enterprises. We envisage the following results of our project.- Improved employability nationally and internationally for both students and teachers.- Improved cultural understanding.- Increased participation in societal life.- Increased understanding of enterprising in an European perspective for both Swedish and European participants.- Increased interest for natural resources. We will spread our results/experiences to other schools, enterprises, branch organizations etc.Drawing from our experiences from and evaluation of our Erasmus project we will develop our education at Lillerudsgymnasiet but also our international work. This together with our explicit plan for internationalization and the demands set out in the Swedish curriculum guarantee the continuation of Erasmus+ at Lillerudsgymnasiet.
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