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Lifelong Learning for Marginalised Groups in European Social Enterprises

The Project shared good practice and information around informal and formal adult learning in social enterprises. Partners explored what social enterprises are and do in four countries; UK, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia, and their links to lifelong learning, particularly in enabling and encouraging disadvantaged and excluded groups of adult learners to access lifelong learning opportunities. The project focussed on adult learners who have a disability, including (but not exclusively) learning and sensory disabilities (deaf and blind), and other marginalised groups. The project also enabled staff working and supporting learners with a disability to enable them to visit and learn from other European partners and implement better opportunities for lifelong learning. We shared experiences of funding of social enterprises in different European countries, and looked at the ongoing challenge of enabling social enterprises to become sustainable, particularly with little mainstream funding. The Case Study Brochure produced as part of the Partnership working is a useful resource for contacts of social enterprises in the UK, Portugal, Slovakia and Romania. The case studies visted range from waffle making to cleaning companies and refridgeration unit production to cafes, all of which provide meaningful activities and learning opportunities for people with learning and sensory disabilities.
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4 Partners Participants