European Projects
Library Of My Dreams
The project of "Library Of My Dreams" is a project which aims knowledge and experience exchange regarding lifelong learning, library service and applications to increase the reading rate at adults at the partner countries. To realize this aim, varios of activities were implemented. One group of activities was public awareness campaigns. To increase the public awareness, posters and brochures were published which introduces the project and gives messages regarding the project and importance of books, reading and libraries. Additionally, various of activities like informing people, attending to the festivals, book fairs etc were implemented. Besies the public awareness activities, study visits were realized to the partner countries. Lifelong learning organisations, libraries were visited, knowledge and experiences regarding the library services, lifelong learning strategies and applications were shared. These sharings were not only sharing between the methodologies but also between the cultures. After the events and study visits, the experience of the project participants (both learners and staff) were reflected to the outcomes of the project to give light to the other studies and people at the field. Thus, its is wanted to increase the public awareness of the public at present time -through the public awareness campaigns done during the project- and present the project duration and the experience of both the experts of the field and learners after the project. The experience of the project participants were so valuable to keep for themselves, therefore they reflected the project from their point of view throught the outcomes of the project like "The Book of Library Of My Dreams" and "The Film Of Library Of My Dreams" This gains the project sustainablity.