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Let your English grow
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our adults school in Sant Boi de Llobregat, there is an obvious lack of English knowledge and, it is clearly much lower than the European average level. Our main goal deals with improving that level in all our groups in order to make our students highly foreign language competitive once they join the work setting. On one hand, we are going to focus our work in one group of students who wants to get the Certificate of Secondary Education developing learning activities based in increasing the English language exposure time in two main fields: The English language subject and scientific-tecnological one. On the one hand, concerning with the English language field, we are going to create a new annual oral skills module. On the other hand, about the scientific-tecnological field, teachers are going to create new materials and activities in English into the lesson plan contents. On the other hand, our training school offer is going to double the English language courses to include all the levels and needs of our students. It is going to help them to improve their English knowledge. Finally, our school is going to ask for a conversation assistant to participate and create actively in the school by increasing the oral English activities for all our students. Erasmus+ is going to help us to get our aim by training three teachers on the sicentific-tecnological field and an English teacher who give classes into the Certificate of Seconday Education groups. The scientific-tecnological teachers must keep an English language monitoring along the course by the language support provided by this project. Furthermore, they will be sent abroad to attend to a metodological course supplying them some tools as well as linguistic resources. The foreign language teacher must attend to a course based in the development and creation process of new materials and tools for teaching oral skills. Therefore, that teacher will be able to create a new oral skills module to allow students to speak English fluently in any field of their lives. Thank this project, our participants will improve their English level by the immersion in the other European countries daily life where they are going to attend to those training activities. Moreover, they are going to develop a new lesson plan in the scientific-tecnological field in the Certificate of Secondary Education. In addition, a new oral English subject will be created in the second course of this group. At last but not least, our school English training offer will be doubled.The establishment of new methodologies and educational resources impact will involve a directly English language improvement and motivate our students to use the foreign language. By creating an online blog and a seminar we are going to spread our own experience to the rest of adult education teachers in our region.
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