European Projects
Let s talk...with the nature!
Let s talk...with the nature!
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Dec 31, 2014
Young people need to align , to feel important and especially to be taken seriously by adults in their activities. They need and want to be able to make positive changes in their environment and they are valued . Most times they are but who desire to stand out, destroying parts of the environment. We want to show them a different version to stand out, a positive and constructive , folded on their needs and interests . The project aims to develop the skills of young people in identifying and implementing practical solutions to issues related to society as a whole său.Identificarea unconscious concrete situations of environmental degradation , from energy and water use nejutificată to convenience throwing garbage in nature , repre -raising route we want to initiate the young.
This represents a starting point for an awareness that starts at the individual level , triggering an awareness of the entire community resulting in positive effects on the environment and human health . All this contributes to the development of global awareness necessary to preserve a living planet . The "Let 's talk ... with nature ! " meets these identified areas for a total of 36 young people directly involved in the two countries, Romania and Turkey
The project highlights the essential topics : Improving environmental contexts through concrete actions undertaken and onştientizarea on environmental impacts which contribute without realizing through daily activities .
General Objective During the 10 days project helps to create a culture responsible , participatory local , regional , national and international existing, increasing awareness of the importance of protecting the environment .
Specific objectives:
1 ) education and awareness of the 36 young people to the problems facing the environment , promoting individual responsibility and the development of attitudes , skills and abilities to create a citizens' environmental behavior
2 ) Acquisition of non -passive attitudes regarding environmental issues and take immediate necessary steps to protect it for a total of 36 young people leading to local community education regarding the environment by raising awareness and creating a positive attitude
3 ) The project wants throughout the performance to take action green cleaning common areas , an initiative aimed at capturing the attention of the public local
8) The project provides notice of at least seven non-governmental organizations from both urban and rural about our project and let them know the purpose , results and objectives of this project
In order to achieve the objectives we use the following methods : Energis , which will serve to make young people more involved , more competitive and more aware of each other . Young people will learn new games and new games will propose to the beginning of each activity ;
socio -educational animation : young people will learn juggling , to use POIs, writing posts for non-formal community use their bodies to express messages to the community and to other young people; games development team that will focus on mutual acceptance on conflict resolution on crisis management : desert , elephant , sculpture technique ( taught in psychodrama ) ; Photo -Voice , which will be a very useful tool for interaction and community awareness regarding environmental issues ; role play, used to carry out the project in the future of young people , about what they want to use and use of project ; , living library .
After attending participants will : realize the seriousness of problems of environmental degradation has correct and complete information related to what are representative of a polluted environment and which are the consequences of our actions , understand that any action of any size is of major importance for the planet , gain self confidence so as to develop various projects in the community, in order to harness the confidence gained active participation in community life, and will găseasii identify solutions to the problems facing the community .
This project takes a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of young people by promoting education , culture and values among them , improved tolerance cohesion and interaction , education and empowerment of rural inhabitants , environmental protection , promotion of rural areas as a generator of energy and health