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Let's keep on moving eco-friendly
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

LKME aims at improving the students’ basic and transversal skills (foreign languages, ICT, science, entrepreneurship) to support the Europe 2020 strategy for intelligent growth. We motivate students (15-18 years) from the lowest to the highest academic spectrum by choosing the authentic situation of solving a real problem (How can we lower CO2 emissions?) in cooperation: They develop, test and evaluate different ways of how to make mobility more eco-friendly. So the project is a good example of problem-based learning, which is supported by the method of cooperative learning. Here the different perspectives, experiences and skills of the European partners provides a broad basis for effective learning (European added value). Furthermore the method of visible learning is employed to promote the students' development of skills. As each LTT can be connected to the curriculum of one subject (biology, P.E. or English) we can actively involve 1-3 classes from each partner school in the preparation and the follow-ups of each LTT during lessons. This results in a wide target group of about 600 students- about 100 travelling to LTTs. In the following the need to develop different basic and transversal skills is explained: Good foreign language skills are important to enable our students to study or work in Europe as they have national languages which are not widely spoken. We aim at sparking off the students decreasing interest in science when they experience that they can not only understand up-to- date research but also develop their own ideas and contribute to progress. Furthermore LKME addresses the need that students employ and develop their ICT skills to use them effectively in a project. Finally they take the entrepreneur`s perspective when they try to involve many people in more eco-friendly mobility and promote their results. Finally the problem of more eco-friendly mobility addresses the need to live within the limits of our planet and supports the Europe 2020 strategy for sustainable growth and the reduction of CO2 emissions by 20%. LKME’s European cooperation increases its impact and underlines the fact that the challenge of global warming cannot be solved by individual countries (European added value). The implementation has already started by creating networks (partners outside schools), collaborations (colleagues), division of responsibilities and the division of each LTT into preparation, get-going and rounding-it-off phases. They are well connected by the TPMs, in which important methods for the following LTTs are introduced and documentation, monitoring and evaluation take place. In all LTTs students learn about examples of how biomimesis contributes to eco-friendly mobility (karibu, fin ray effect, lotus effect, skunk) and do an eco-friendly free-time activity . In LTT1 "Me and my carbon footprint" students test and evaluate a sustainability app, they get professional support to try and test the new UN-app and plan and carry out a CO2-saving competition among partner schools. In LTT2 "Me and my environment" students develop their science skills and environmental awareness. They use results of fieldwork to compare their local ecosystems and understand our dependency on them. Also they enjoy natural environments on a guided eco-friendly hiking trip. Finally they measure how this increases their motivation to reduce their CO2 emissions. LTT3 "Me and my physical activity" deepens the understanding of the win-win situation when linking sustainable mobility with physical fitness. They determine their fitness and find ways to improve it: they develop a “pro-bike” app to make physical activity part of their school days and promote the results. In LTT4 "Me and my ideas" students get insight into research at university and a company and do online research to develop their own solutions for more eco-friendly mobility in the future, which they present in a big final conference; the best ideas are handed to local politicians and discuss its potential. As LKME provides the frame which students fill with their own ideas, self-evaluation and feedback of students are important tools used regularly. The positive European experience will spread through the schools, communities and Europe via films, posters, homepage articles, showcases, events as well as by documents like the Europass, Youthpass and Certilingua. This finally facilitates and promotes their living, studying and working in Europe.
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3 Partners Participants