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Let's improve teachers' skills abroad
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to modernize, reinforce internal abilities and internationalize School our “POF”, for a long time-, includes participation in several Comenius projects; organization of individual internships for teachers abroad; adherence to International projects and continuous training project of teachers in accordance with the lifelong learning programme to support methodological and cognitive empowerment of learners. In this perspective the European Development Plan has been processed as part of POF where goals and aims were set out; questionnaires were provided to detect on time staff interests and needs; structured courses, Job shadowing and Teacher Training were chosen because they are more responsive to the staff needs and functional at the School; modes were shared for a proper selection, preparation, follow up measures and for the evaluation and dissemination of experiences. The Document aims are: improving Education staff’s skills (teaching, staff training, community languages knowledge, ICT); enhance knowledge, the understanding of national and European policies and practices; reinforcing the quality of teaching and learning, development of our Comprehensive Institute with a European breath. Our school has devoted great attention to the learning mobility, considered as participation in training activities abroad for the benefit of individual and the whole school, as it is repeatedly stressed in the European documents of reference. The headteacher and 28 teachers are the beneficiaries of the project, both of non-language subjects and foreign language teachers, identified on the basis of: -curiosity and openness to the new CLIL methodology, which often upsets the traditional lecture and encourages to review the educational certainties to provide a more timely response to the demands of contemporary society; -manifest willingness to participate to mobility activities as they aim to exploit all the motivational and practical implications of a full immersion in the “other” reality. STAGES OF THE PROJECT The mobility project consists of the following stages: -preparation ( practical arrangements, selection of participants, linguistic/intercultural/task-related preparation of participants before departure); -implementation of the mobility activities; -follow-up (monitoring of the activities, formal recognition of the learning outcomes of participants, how to place them in the curriculum of the participants, evaluation, exploitation of the project results, dissemination of the results at different levels: of the Institute, local, national and European level for the sharing of know-how, but also to influence policy and practice). All the project stages will be properly documented in accordance with the principles of clarity, coherence, transparency and equity. At different stages of the EDP a prominent role has been and will be carried out by the eTwinning platform: -finding Organisations which provide structured courses; -understanding and sharing the cultural aspects of the home and host countries and Institutions, before departure; -management of mobility through the Mobility tool, from the starting stage of the introduction of participants’ names and the activities to be carried out until the generation of the final report; -participation in the Learning Events; joining an e-twinning project together with the mobility one; -sharing experiences, socialization of results and exchange of good practices; -creation of conditions for the development of ideas for future cooperation. The evaluation of the course will be both through self-reflection on the experience and the individual’s perception of the benefits that will be derived, and through the Working Group set up within the school Institution. The Working Group, as well as the European Development Plan, will be characterized by flexibility in order to include third parties in various ways involved in the process of innovation and internationalization of the school, implementing an overcoming of self. The impact assessment will have a very important role as it will allow the identification of point of strengths and weaknesses of the course and, ultimately, a revision of the Plan. Dissemination of results will be ensured in order to make them usable by the entire educational community on the local, national and European level. For this purpose both traditional forms of dissemination (brochures, articles, leaflets, flyers, reports,…) and innovative (newsletters, website, social networks, You Tube, platforms such as eTwinning and the Dissemination Platform) will be encouraged. They will be addressed both to users of school Institution and to a wider public. Such methods of dissemination will support the sustainability and transferability of the results of the experience to ensure their continuity in time and space and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the funded activities.
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