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'Let’s go to Europe to be a better Special Educational institution'
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a special education school with handicapped students. Most of our students have hearing disability yet there are some students have physical or mental handicaps as well. Our Project has been prepared in order to achieve our school and EU development plan objectives of acquiring social inclusion, respect to diversities, technological education and innovation competence. With the help of the project our teacher will gain the competence of teaching their students to accept differences of socio-economic, cultural, or handicap and see the strengths in these differences. The use of technological education embody the abstract terms and subjects, enables the meaningful learning and supports the active learning of students during the learning process. Moreover, our school EU development plan aims at enhancing education quality of our school through following improvements in special education and benefiting from other countries’ approaches and solutions. To be able to do that, more of our teachers need to learn and practice about project cycle management. Our teachers had been parts of projects previously. With the help of the planned activity of course named" Special Needs Children" our teachers will now develop a further knowledge and skills on project development and writing as well as partner finding and more importantly on solving problems in school with more innovative ways. Teachers who had courses of “Special Needs Children” in Prague and “Digital Information Management for Educational Use" in Seville will share their knowledge and transfer their skills to our school. Dissemination activities will include, seminars in school, school magazine, web site, school board, and experience sharing. In addition, there are many special education schools in our district. Project outcomes will also be disseminated through Altındağ District Directorate of National Education. Our project has project management activities, training activities , practice and dissemination activities and stainability activities. The project management activities aims at successful progress of the project. Project idea has been shared in board of teachers and 10 of the staff were volunteers to be in the project team. Among the team members 6 of them whose language skills are better are chosen to take courses abroad. These staff has been reminded that they are going to be active in application and dissemination of the acquisitions of the course. Other 4 staff are assigned as monitoring staff and they are responsible from monitoring the project activities to ensure that they are done according to the time plan, and according to the project aims. The training activities include a 40 hours additional language course held in our school for the 6 teachers as well as the cultural preparatory work on host countries. 3 will go to Czech Republic for the course of “Special Needs Children” and other 3 of the staff will go to Spain for the course of “Digital Information Management for Educational Use" both 5 days long. First course is “Special Needs Children” and will provide teachers with competence on concepts such as: social inclusion, respect to diversity, communication strategies on diversity in school environment, us and them language, otherization. The second course is “Digital Information Management for Educational Use" developing technological education and innovation attitude. With practice and dissemination activities , the competence acquired in courses will be spread to the school and district. With these activities the teachers who took the courses will apply what they learned and improve other teachers as well. In short term in our school and in Altındağ district, teachers will develop an understanding of project cycle logic, open to innovation and solution oriented and develop competences of constructive approach to social inclusion. For long term, our school will develop communication with other EU countries and follow good practices and enhance school education quality.
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