Search for European Projects

"Let me be One of You!"
Start date: May 1, 2013,

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This is an international training course for increasing the capacity of youth workers in their efforts to support the social inclusion and employability of the young people with communication problems in the rural areas of Eastern Europe. The training will be held from 12th to 21st of July, 2013 in the city of Varna, Bulgaria. It will bring together 40 youth workers and experts from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and the Netherlands. The participants will be youth advisers, project managers, logopeds and volunteers engaged in activities in behalf of the young people with speech and language disorders.The training will be conducted by an international trainers team. Through various methods of non-formal education, the experts will increase the participants??A™ awareness about the essence and applicability of the latest methods for work with young people with communication disorders. This knowledge will be used to encourage the active youth involvement in the social processes and in the labor market. During the training the participants will develop their cooperation for innovation and best practices in working with young people with communication problems. They will exchange ideas and experiences and will acquire practical skills to overcome the low self-esteem and the social isolation of the youth caused by speech and language disorders. An important part of the training will be presenting of the opportunities offered by "Youth in Action" Programme for the rural young people with fewer opportunities in Eastern Europe and generation of specific project ideas for stimulation of their spirit to initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship.
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  •   21 440,68
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth Support Systems\Training and networking of those active in youth work and youth organisations
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants