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Let jointly preserve the life and wealth of the nature for our future generations (SOŽITJE)
Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The specific cross-border goals of the project are: to raise the level and quality of the management with areas, covered with forest; to raise the awareness of the local and wider public on the importance and preservation of the natural and cultural resources in the cross-border region; to promote these areas and to raise the living standard of the local population.The greatest value and challenge of the project is the exchange of knowledge, experiences and innovative ideas. The aim of the project is to gain important basic biological and sociological knowledge about the brown bear, which will contribute to create more tolerant coexistence between human and animal and to maintain this charismatic animal species and other wild animals in the target region. Expected Results: Establishment of the 2 classrooms in the nature; preparation of the educational programme, preformed in the classrooms; training of the experts for the forest pedagogy; pilot action: education in the classroom (in each partner country); arrangement of the bear path; setting up the inventory of the vegetation along the bear path and in the Natural classrooms; expedition through bear path; realisation of the e-classroom; establishment of the common web page; preparation and shooting the film on the brown bear; the common competition for children on the brown bear and nature; edition of bilingual brochure with products
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  • 85%   310 609,52
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Croatia (SI-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants