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Lernen und Arbeiten im Ausland: eine neue Dimension der Mobilität von Umweltschutztechnischen Assistenten
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational college Rheine requests the promotion of mobility in VET, exactly in the Vocational School of Environmental Engineering. We want to ensure that our students gain additional language skills and receive additional training and experience in European companies, new cultures and ways of working to meet people who will be of usefulness by entering them into working life. We are of the opinion that it is a priority to compare the results of the training at our facility with in other European countries and develop educational materials together. The need to create uniform professional qualifications, but also the mobilities in Europe, resulting in the need for a uniform evaluation system ECVET that is accepted by all countries. The training at the Spanish school is allocated to the same standard as our training for environmental protection Technical Assistant (UTA). With the proposed project we want to strengthen the link between education and employment, and increase the quality of education itself. Therefore, we looked for a partner who has long gained years of experience in projects within the EU and is linked up throughout Europe over former and ongoing projects. Five students are selected for the realization of mobilities from the second year of the UTA. These students will complete a study period in the Spanish partner center, followed by a practical part in companies with quality control and chemical laboratories. The participating teachers will be selected from among the teaching at the UTAs. The selection process for teachers and students will be transparent and comprehensible to all and offer the possibility of mobility. The Team Erasmus +, formed by the principal, the erasmus + coordinator and the coordinator of the training and three teachers will be responsible for the selection. The implementation of this project will represent for our institution a significant improvement, as social cohesion is promoted, the learning opportunities are expanded, the link between education and professional practice is emphasized and especially moving even more the European component in the foreground. Each partner will provide himself the itinerary for the visit to its organization with activities and company visits. There will be for students and teachers, joint meetings and monitoring possibilities concording to the formation of agreements and programs comply with and to use a frame of reference ECVET that can be introduced into the curriculum. Instructional materialwill be developed, that meets the job requirements and the required basic skills of the students. The activities that are to be realized, consist in visiting the partner institution and companies together with the students of the partner institution. They are organized by each partner. The cooperation will be implemented according to agreements in which the roles, responsibilities and the issue of quality criteria for the selection, preparation, reception and integration of the participants have been settled. The students will get from the beginning two tutors by both the sending and the receiving center. These are before, during and after the stay in touch to organize the activities, to supervise and evaluate. The tutor of the receiving country will guide the students and support them during the entire stay. The tutor of the sending country will continue to monitor the stay and the academic progress of the student via email, phone, Whatsapp, videoconferencing. The mobilities of this project are designed to complete the training of individual students to increase their social competence and within Europe to promote competitiveness and innovation. Starting from this project, the mobilities will be introduced in the vocational education, knowledge and teaching skills of teaching staff be increased and the ECVET points are introduced for the achieved learning progress. In addition, we want the status of VET regionally, but also in Europe to be improved and at the same time, to raise the awareness of students for the importance of lifelong learning in the EU.

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