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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Berufsfachschule für Ernährung und Versorgung ( school providing vocational training in feeding/supply) as well as the "Berufsfachschule für Sozialpflege" (vocational school for social nursing) in Haus St. Marien, Neumarkt i.d.OPf., are going to send 36 students from both schools to our neighbour country Austria. There they are introduced into training and employment opportunities of the particular professions by our co-operation partner, the residential homes for the elderly run by the "Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer" (Kloster St. Barbara and Marienheim) in Gablitz/Austria. The students will get to know and learn the characteristics of feeding/supply and care there. During their two-week stay (practical work experience) they are going to work in residential and ambulant care as well as in the field of economics, e.g. kitchen, service, catering and every day attendance. Our aims are to establish this co-operation with our Austrian partner and the imparting of highly qualified traineeships in the long term and also to learn the differences and commonalities in the particular professions. This project is to be conducted in autumn 2015, in spring 2016 and in autumn 2016 or spring 2017 for two weeks at a time. The students who are trained in feeding/supply and care will be given the possibility of collecting valuable experiences for their further individual development and also for their professional careers regarding these sustainable service jobs. Personal and social abilities will be promoted and supported at the same time. The students are able to expand their expert knowledge and gain insights into national and cultural features. They have the opportunity of transfer their knowledge and skills into professional practical work and the project should inspire the students` willingness for mobility and openness beyond their initial professional training. Since unfortunately many of our students have experienced only little promotion regarding education and professional training so far and come from socially weak families, the participation in this project will certainly offer them better chances and strengthen their personalities. For this reason Mrs. Kreitmeir-Leitmann who gives on-the-spot support, will be constantly their contact person in Gablitz/Austria. The knowledge acquired there will be certified both by our Austrian co-operation partner and by our school (EU-mobility pass).
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