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Lernen in Europa V
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein transfers with modern education the educational mission of the three chambers of commerce in Schleswig-Holstein. Many different developments mean that the European and international markets continues to grow together. In the future, more and more small and medium-sized companies are required to act in the international / European market.To obtain these competencies as an educational institution at this level or rather develop, measures are to be planed and conducted in medium- and long-term; measures to increase employee skills (social, technical, methodological, language skills, etc.) in their own companies and foreign companies, wishing to acquire international experience in the learning mobility. Trainees from the commercial sectors need for their daily dealings with customers increasingly knowledge of foreign languages, intercultural skills and a particularly high mobility readiness. Both from the perspective of companies which are active in international markets, as well as from the professional perspective of trainees, the need arises to acquire these skills. In this two-year project 75 trainees in total from the companies described above (increased from rural areas) should be mediated in appropriate internships directly or through our partner organizations. As in the former project we want to give apprentices to disabled persons (in total 2, one apprentice for seriously disabled person). Participants receive their scholarship after receiving their application documents and having an interview with them. In collaboration with partner organizations in the target countries suitable placements are searched, stays at the destination organized and support ensured. The trainees are supervised in the placement companies of training managers who accompany the content and technical progress of trainees and evaluate it. The students continue their record books during the internship and at the end of their stay abroad they create a final report that is used for the evaluation and dissemination of project results. After the return of the participants they will write a final report and judge their stay abroad in a feedback session with the Academy of Economics. During the implementation of the activities, the Academy of Economics uses a project management tool to plan and control the following steps described before: Application - Selection and Information - Preparation - Implementation - Monitoring - Evaluation. This leads to a target-oriented project management which integrates measures for unforeseen situations and quality assurance. The financial management of project funds will be managed by the Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein, which is set up for this purpose a particular cost unit. The payment of project funds takes place by the Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein. The software systems provided by the managing national and European authorities of the ERASMUS+ program for accounting of the project, participants registration and maintenance, reporting, Europass-CV and Europass mobility are used during the implementation of the project. Trainees of companies should improve their own linguistic, social, intercultural and technical skills to the effect compared to Europe, to be more open and to be more internationalize in thinking and acting. The impact on the daily work will result into the fact that companies will focus even more international, remain competitive and develop common standards to act Europe-wide. The activities which include trainees with disabilities should lead diversity into a more important role in workforce planning of companies.
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