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Leicester College Construction Project
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will target learners from Leicester Colleges construction department, who are studying one of the following Level 3 qualifications:- Electrical Installation- Plumbing- Construction and the Built EnvironmentThe participants will complete a 4 week Mobility in Seville, Spain where they will work within several construction companies, improving their work based knowledge and skills and increasing their work readiness.The construction industry within the UK constitutes over 6% of the economy with projections of 4% annual growth projected throughout 2016 and 2017. Across the UK as a whole there is a clear skills gap within the construction industry and this project aims to respond to this skills gap and support the participants to understand the needs of employers and ultimately access employment.The participants will complete a work placement which will enhance their work based knowledge, skills and competences, with relevant work experience being a crucial requirement to both gain a qualification and then to move in to employment within the construction industry. The Mobility project will provide the participants with on-the-job work experience and the skills that they develop within their work placement will be transferred back to Leicester college, who will use the ECVET framework to validate specific units of the participants’ Level 3 qualification. The project will recruit a total of 84 participants, who will travel to Spain in 6 groups of 14, staggered across the 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic years.The participants will be supported by a course tutor, who will act as an Accompanying Person, during the first and last week of their Mobility. The 4 week period is considered a realistic and attainable time frame for each group to gain valuable work experience, allowing a sufficient period for the participants to adjust to life in a new country as well gain a meaningful experience with the host organisations that will enable them to achieve their specific learning outcomes.Depending on the specific sub-sector of construction in which the participants are involved, they will complete a range of tasks related to electrical installation and maintenance, installation and maintenance of heating and hot water systems, as well as surveying of sites and developments.All of the participants will work to achieve several of their mandatory course units, which will be appropriately evidenced and will utilize the ECVET framework to validate their learning within the context of their UK based Level 3 qualification.

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