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Legislative drafting in implementing EU law in Italy
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The LEaD-IT project will create a Jean Monnet module on “Legislative drafting in implementing EU law in Italy” in the framework of a comprehensive executive programme on "Legislative drafting" organised by the LUISS School of Law.The specific objective of the Module is to enhance theoretical knowledge and practical know-how of graduate students and experienced legal officers in a field that represents an historical weakness of the Italian participation to the EU, such as the implementation of EU directives.The JM module will introduce participants to the legislative drafting techniques and principles, offering practical workshops and simulations by which concrete questions and problems will be addressed. Most of the teaching hours will be devoted to practical training and teamwork, analysing case studies and examining examples of both existing legislation implementing EU law as well as to simulations of drafting in the implementation of EU. In this way, participants will experience the challenges of drafting activities and legislative report elaboration, applying directly tools and procedures foreseen by the general law on the Italian participation to the EU (Law no. 234/2012).At the core of the practical training there will be the elaboration of tables of correspondence, linking draft EU directives to the relevant Italian legislation already in force. This activity will contribute the enhance the awareness of the impact of perspective EU law and will lead to a more complete, prompt and correct intervention at the implementation stage. The expected outcome of the LEaD-IT project is to lead to a innovation in the teaching methodologies of the legislative drafting in the implementation of EU law in Italy, contributing to enhance the country performance in the field and, in the end, the coherence and the effectiveness of EU law.

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