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Legal Innovation for Citizens: Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The establishment of the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ), as a shared policy within the EU legal framework is an important milestone in a relatively rush and dynamic development – the first steps towards true European ideas about common policies in this field were made only 20 years ago - and today, the integration is deeper in many areas than originally expected. And the development is continually ongoing - we are witnesses of the everyday consequences of this development (in criminal procedures, in refugee procedures, in the refugee crises). This development a true legal innovation for citizens of the EU. With this action, I would like to merge the sporadic offers of different courses on AFSJ (Area of Freedom, Security and Justice) and institutionalize them for present and future study plans with the final goal of establishing a (second) master program in European criminal justice, in the broad horizon of AFSJ. I would like to introduce new teaching and learning methods and materials for students (and also for interested teachers; developing e-tools as well); I would like to establish a modern research think-tank entity of the university, which deals with issues of AFSJ and ECL (European Criminal Law); furthermore, I would like to boost the dialog between professionals of this area (police officers, judges, prosecutors, migration officers, decision-makers, etc.). My goal is to offer a comprehensive course matrix on AFSJ and ECL issues, for both law students and international relations students; and in addition, I would like to offer courses for visiting international students and for other, non-specialised students about (European) criminal justice with the goal of their gaining comprehension of why the integration of justice systems within the EU is in fact significant. In this course matrix trainings for professionals will be also integrated.
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